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Glass. Or lack of....


Active Member
Jun 19, 2013
No longer a Merc!
Ahoy all.

My 2010 W212 E Class has "all of the options" re: windscreen - active cruise, night vision camera, lane departure, active high beam, heated glass for camera, condensation detection, rain detection etc.

It's the original glass, so now 13+ years old. Minor chips everywhere.

Recently I got a bullseye to the lower part of the glass, on the "clear to black" bit (if that makes sense) and a week later, the heavens opened.

I am now getting leaks at the top of the window. I have had water ingress to the cabin, through headlining, through light cluster, onto satnav screen and into the camera housing. My alawrm has gone off. I've dried it out (manually) and presently have tape over the gap between body and glass. This is holding, but I'm not driving it "in the rain" (of which there is a lot...)

Correlation may not be causation re: the bullseye. but I sought a replacement screen via insurance, and "no bugger has any glass in stock"

Looking manually, I cannot find any "new" W212 glass in stock, let alone the variant I need, which is apparently like hens teeth/rocking horse poo.

If I do find the right one, most places that replace glass won't fit as they haven't supplied. And of course, car will need much post fitment calibration.

I would have expected the sunroof drains to be the usual culprit here. I'd be very surprised for the screen to be the culprit if it's original/never been removed and shows no signs of delamination or blooming on the upper edge, however if taping the top edge of the screen fixed it then that would seem to be the cause.

If done carefully, it should be possible to remove the glass and reseal it but you'd want a glass specialist (not Autoglass et al) for that and it is risky given potential for breakage.
I understand only about 2 million 212 series E class were sold. With such a low production run of obscurity, we can hardly be surprised there are no repayment items avaliable for common parts (sarcasm by the way).

Sunroof drains? I don't have a sunroof? (do we all have those? I'm all for an easy fix!)
It's def not done it again since taping but I've not driven it in a downpour again since - given that rain + wind = drive water up screen to channels, and braking = water runs back down toward channels....
If the screen chips suddenly develop into a crack, your glass cover on insurance will cover it. :cool:
When I needed a replacement screen for my W212 it came in a few days from MB - this was literally a month or so ago. I’m surprised that things have changed so much so quickly.
When I needed a replacement screen for my W212 it came in a few days from MB - this was literally a month or so ago. I’m surprised that things have changed so much so quickly.
You clearly had the last one. National Windscreens said they had none, they've gone to MB to get a back order one. That was about 3-4 weeks ago.

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