I decided to give the motor a bit of a treat earlier in the month. Just received a few pics and write up from the guy who carried out the work.
Thought you may want to have a look. Below is what he sent....
Went up to Bristol to have a crack at Ian's smart Merc C220. Arrived to find the car looking well-used with a good coating of road filth:
First up were the tasty AMG alloys, these were sprayed with bilberry wheel cleaner and left to dwell whilst the tyres and inner arches were scrubbed with Meguiars Safe Degreaser and a Polished Bliss brush. The Bilberry was then agitated with a selection of brushes (and swabs for the bolts) and then rinsed with plenty of water.
The whole car was pre-rinsed with a light dilution of meguiars safe degreaser and thoroughly rinsed off before being washed with Duragloss 901 via lambswool mitt and two-bucket method.
The car was dried with a Sonus towel and Meguiars Last Touch. Time to inspect the paint:
The car was then clayed with Sonus green and Last Touch, which removed a fair amount of tar:
I also used meguiars swabs and some degreaser to ensure the deep recesses in the trim and door shuts were clean, as these were pretty effective dirt traps!
Onto the polishing. The light swirling was difficult to capture in the light, but corrected well using Menzerna Intensive Polish and Final Finish on a Meguairs Softbuff light cut pad. This left a sharp, glossy finish:
Fully corrected, the finishing product of choice was Zaino, so the car was wiped down with Menzerna top inspection to remove and residual oils, then Zaino Z6, Z2pro and Z8 were applied, allowing around 40 minutes for the Z2 to cure.
While it was curing I dressed the tyres and arches with Meguiars all-season dressing, polished the exhaust with 00gauge wire wool and NXT metal polysh, and cleaned the glass with duragloss.
After a final wipe-down with Z8 it was off round the corner for some after shots in the fading sun:
Thought you may want to have a look. Below is what he sent....
Went up to Bristol to have a crack at Ian's smart Merc C220. Arrived to find the car looking well-used with a good coating of road filth:
First up were the tasty AMG alloys, these were sprayed with bilberry wheel cleaner and left to dwell whilst the tyres and inner arches were scrubbed with Meguiars Safe Degreaser and a Polished Bliss brush. The Bilberry was then agitated with a selection of brushes (and swabs for the bolts) and then rinsed with plenty of water.
The whole car was pre-rinsed with a light dilution of meguiars safe degreaser and thoroughly rinsed off before being washed with Duragloss 901 via lambswool mitt and two-bucket method.
The car was dried with a Sonus towel and Meguiars Last Touch. Time to inspect the paint:
The car was then clayed with Sonus green and Last Touch, which removed a fair amount of tar:
I also used meguiars swabs and some degreaser to ensure the deep recesses in the trim and door shuts were clean, as these were pretty effective dirt traps!
Onto the polishing. The light swirling was difficult to capture in the light, but corrected well using Menzerna Intensive Polish and Final Finish on a Meguairs Softbuff light cut pad. This left a sharp, glossy finish:
Fully corrected, the finishing product of choice was Zaino, so the car was wiped down with Menzerna top inspection to remove and residual oils, then Zaino Z6, Z2pro and Z8 were applied, allowing around 40 minutes for the Z2 to cure.
While it was curing I dressed the tyres and arches with Meguiars all-season dressing, polished the exhaust with 00gauge wire wool and NXT metal polysh, and cleaned the glass with duragloss.
After a final wipe-down with Z8 it was off round the corner for some after shots in the fading sun: