2016 S205 c350e (205k km). So I've got the yellow EML on & a scan gave the following fault codes:
I've done a lot of googling & it would seem it is a common issue on these engines. So much so that Mercedes have an extended warranty on it of 15years/150k miles (241k km) & replace FOC. However, any reference I've found to this is only in USA(?) & in the last year or so. Has anyone in the UK/Ireland ever had this replaced FOC by Mercedes? I was going to drop it to the dealer to see what they say, though TBH I begrudge paying them to scan it again with Star, when I already know what the issue is.
The part is buried in the engine & takes a lot of labour to change. My indie mechanic will only give me a ball-park of €1k-€2k. However, there is a sub-part breather valve line (A2740187201) available that only replaces the valve, rather than the entire PCV assembly, which takes much less labour & is potentially a DIY job (in-depth YouTube videos), if reasonably competent. So considering going this route if MB won't do it. The car is 9 years-old & high-mileage, so I really don't want to throw a huge amount of money at it.... diminishing returns.....
- P1D03 - Ventilation valve for the crankcase- Open circuit
- P052E - Positive Crankcase Ventilation Regulator Valve Performance- Stuck
I've done a lot of googling & it would seem it is a common issue on these engines. So much so that Mercedes have an extended warranty on it of 15years/150k miles (241k km) & replace FOC. However, any reference I've found to this is only in USA(?) & in the last year or so. Has anyone in the UK/Ireland ever had this replaced FOC by Mercedes? I was going to drop it to the dealer to see what they say, though TBH I begrudge paying them to scan it again with Star, when I already know what the issue is.
The part is buried in the engine & takes a lot of labour to change. My indie mechanic will only give me a ball-park of €1k-€2k. However, there is a sub-part breather valve line (A2740187201) available that only replaces the valve, rather than the entire PCV assembly, which takes much less labour & is potentially a DIY job (in-depth YouTube videos), if reasonably competent. So considering going this route if MB won't do it. The car is 9 years-old & high-mileage, so I really don't want to throw a huge amount of money at it.... diminishing returns.....