You can try fixing the pump, but all the utube videos and successful HOW TO's to repair these pumps I found are not the same as the ones in the CLS (Unless of course you have found some).
Have you got the exact code no.'s and code description? Was the car plugged into a STAR diagnostic computer?
You say you replaced the pump, was you're original pump rectangular? (early pump) what shape is you're new one? exactly the same? as the later pump is more cylindrical, the early pumps failed as they overheated inside and melted, additionally, just because the pump is running doesn't mean it is producing enough volume of air.
Additionally you're air bladders in the seats maybe leaking, and this can also lead to low pressure air fault codes.
You can pressure test the bladders in the STAR Diagnostic Computer
Most people give up trying to repair the Dynamic seats as it becomes very very expensive especially if they haven't got easy access to the STAR Diagnostic computer.
I ended up replacing six of the air bladders, the pump two times with the original early pump, once with the later pump and all were not producing enough volume of air, then found the later modified pump brand new on ebay, then I had to buy a modified piping loom, foam box and new mounting bracket.