So with the drive, neutral, reverse and park all on an arm to the side of the steering wheel, just where my old wiper controls used to be on my old car, is it possible to accidentally knock the car out of drive and do some serous damage?
If it is possible to deselect drive while the car is...
Not sure how I mistook the two :dk:
A 350 CDi this time instead of the 450. I think the V8 TD is no more now :(
350 very very hushed and refined in this car.
I'm got this for Saturday for a trip to Manchester airport to ferry some American biker buddies to Liverpool docks for their TT...
This was in my c230 Sport coupe - auto..
I accidentally left the footbrake on and sure enough the car let me know.. but are there wider implications (just in case I'm stupid enough to do it again)?
A 70 year old man survives after accidentally driving off a cliff... :rolleyes:
Cazy fool...!:crazy:,,30100-13553169,00.html
[edit 4/March
Offer has now ended - don't bother to read any further
[edit 3/March - Dell have realised their mess up - the server is still a good price, but the free raid controller doesn't make it to the order confirmation anymore]
[edited 2/march -...