Having just got the new brilliant blue c class, after the dealers pdi. The dealer offered lifeshine £299 I declined.
Is it worth doing lifeshine with a kit I bought on ebay (£13.95) on the paintwork straight away or do I need to do any prep work other than ensuring its clean and dust free. Or...
To those that have used both recently, Which of the above is better?
Also if you are going to wax your car, you will need to polish it first, but do you always need to clean (ie paint cleaner or clay) the paint first?
I stopped by the Dodo Juice stall at Goodwood FoS and swapped £25 for a clay kit and some Supernatural wax.
Not used a Carnuba wax before, and so wondered whether it's possible to combine the carnuba's warmth with a sealant's durability.
I have some Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection already...
They make some bold claims in their ad but they back them up with a full money back guarantee.
As it happens, the wax is really nice, a thick liquid that goes on easily and leaves a superb shine...