
  1. markjay


    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4577194/D-Day-photos-colourised-73-years-landings.html Sometimes the DM is worth reading.....
  2. Harrythedog


    70 years ago today 10's of thousands of men, many young, risked their lives so we can enjoy the freedom we currently have. Eternal thanks to all involved and the families who lost their loved ones, lest we forget
  3. bpsorrel

    D-Day for Saab today

    So, this is it - Saab owners and lovers are having the day from hell today as in just a few hours the GM board will announce it's decision as to keep, sell or kill Saab! Educated opinion is they'll kill it off or sell rights to BAIC and scrap the rest. I spoke to my local dealer this morning...
  4. WLeg

    D-day Today

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-Day Everyone seems to have forgotten....I'm sure when I was young (and I'm not that old) this was celebrated.....and remembered !
  5. Kinky

    Tomorrow is D-Day

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