Switched the lights on tonight on our E320 - and none of the interior lights (panel, switches etc.) worked. Checked the Brookland manual and that says fuses 5 and 8 control the IP lights - however all the other gadgets controlled by these fuses are OK. Haven't physically checked them yet though...
Need a bit of help guys...
Or meaby only your opinion, or what your Tech instinct says!
I have a 190e 2.3-16vlv
So here is a part of the history:
Since a wild, I have a BIG problem of lack of performance and Big consumption (14mpg), Weird smell of gaz at the muffler also.
Doing my routine car check yesterday afternoon (tyres, lights, various levels, etc), I came to check the engine oil level.
Pulled the dipstick out, gave it a good clean, stuck it back in, pulled it out, and it was basically telling me that there was a tiny bit of oil on the stick, well below...