Before they fall off altogether I figure it's worth getting the front spring hangers on my W210 rewelded.
I could do the job myself but it's a safety-critical area, and besides if I get them slightly wonky it'll affect the wheel camber / alignment and therefore the handling.
I don't want to...
I have tried googling and the adverts in the back of various classic car mags with no luck but the inertia reels on my Citroën SM need a good fettle and I'd be grateful for any recommendations.
Restorers for 280SL Hampshire/Sussex
Apologies if I am in the wrong forum but I am a new member and this is my first time on line.
I have been given a 1981 Pagoda roof 280 SL as a BIG 30 advance present. The only problem is that I have to get it restored (some bodywork, mechanical check...