Well when I say missing the garage that changed my transmission fluid took them off and didn't put them back - as well as not renewing the washer on the drain plug so it now leaks!
Needless to say I was not impressed!
They have now said that the trays are not in the garage but I have insisted...
Hi I need front valance and engine undertrays for my W210 E class estate (2000) avantgarde face lift model.
If you have either please pm me with details, cash waiting
Maybe a bit of a long short question this one!
Does anybody know if the engine undertray and the belly undertray on all 124s are the same?
I'm looking for both of these trays...amongst some other parts as well...for my C124 300CE.
I've seen someone selling the pair on Ebay but from a...
Took my car (E300TD 1998) for oil change (£50 for fuel service plus) to Halfords Autocentres.
What they did is attached the middle undercover to the front undercover with palstic straps and not to the body of the car at all. As the result the undertray was hitting the surface at any...
I have been looking for a rhs plastic undertray the one which comes from the rhf wheel arch liner to half way down the car and it meets the centre tunnel covering does anyone have a part number for this part or a diagram so i can show my local dealer