Have used this resource a lot to keep my 90 300CE-24 COUPE running well but have not yet posted. I have an issue that I cannot find any relevant posts in the achieves and would appreciate any suggestions. There are posts about the general issue but do not seem relevant to my...
Its time for new tyres on my W124 and the wheels are in need of a refurb too.
So I'm thinking I may as well replace both if something interesting crops up.
Prefer 16" or 17", would be a bonus if theres life in the tyres.
Anyone upgraded recently and have something suitable left over?
Hi Guys.
I have a full half amp drain somewhere on the stuff on fuse 9.
Merc dealers wont give me a wiring diagram so I don't know what's on it to
eliminate them. It does say on the fuse box lid but I don't think it lists everything.
The main deelar said I could get it off there website but I...
I need one of them things that tells the fuel gauge how much is in the tank.
I have a 1996 E220 Coupe, faclift model.
If anyone has one please PM me.
US Ad for the CLS featuring the line of Mercedes Coupes inc W124CE...
and the 5 Generations of SL Ad (for those who missed it before ;) )
Any one after a W124 for a tenner haha ok that was the 1st bid, no doubt it will shoot up . . if not its mine! :devil: