should i be concerned about the leak / weep of water i have on my old coupe, its just annoying as my engine has no seapage of oil at all, ive had the crankshaft oil seal and timing chain cover fixed in the past, so it is now a rare 124 engine that is dry.......except for this water problem, it...
:cool: I recently took my year 2000 E320CDI (71000 miles) for A service and the report came back there was 'slight weep from PAS Pump' & 'slight leak from Diff'. The customer services chap adviced me that it would be over £1000 to repair the diff (what's this?) but there was no need to repair...
My 190E 2.6 weeps oil from the front of the engine. I'm not sure exactly where its coming from, but I think its the head gasket directly under the distributor.
The cooling system isn't getting any oil in, and the oil isn't getting any coolant in, so I think the gasket is fine otherwise...