Looking at buying a 95 c-class 250D elegance,manual,non turbo.It has covered 140k,and is going for £1795,i've been in it and it runs nice.Just wondering what you guys think of this engine,is it strong and capable of high miles?
When this series of engines is connected to a turbo so is more stressed they are good for at least half a million miles so the less stressed n/a engine should go a bit further still.
The only mechanical foibles will be the gearbox being a bit notchy, unfortunately this is normal.
I suggest once the engine is fully run in you can then stop driving it carefully.
I have a similar car with only 100k miles (just running it in), but the famous Steve MBenzNL's has covered more than 375k without touching the engine. You can read it on his old site, that once he went down to France (~500miles) driving at 200km/h almost all the way.