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2024 GLC Dashcam not fitted


New Member
Sep 6, 2024
2024 glc 220d prem plus
I took delivery of my new GLC 220D Prem Plus yesterday, July 2024 build so has the ‘new’option like heated steering wheel etc.
I went to set up the integrated dash cam but the app wasn’t showing. Realised I had to purchase the app but it said I couldn’t as it wasn’t available for my car/VIN
Checked the car and I believe the camera should be fitted at the bottom of the plastic casing (top of windscreen) under the radar sensors. Looks like no camera is fitted, just a piece of plastic that looks like a dummy camera.
Spoke to Mercedes and they said I am missing some codes on the build and they can’t be retrofitted.
I have seen loads of GLC posts re the dash cam so don’t understand why my PP wasn’t fitted with it.
Anyone else had this issue?
Surely the dealer can just order the camera, load the software etc. the wiring must be there, they must use the same wiring loom for every GLC build
Welcome. Sorry to hear this.

Unfortunately, I don't have any specific advice to share, but on a general note:

1. MB do NOT fit wiring looms for non-existent options. It saves money and it saves weight. The looms need to either be purchased and run, or they can be fabricated. Either option is typically a pain.

2. MB delears are not very good at retrofitting options. This is best left to aftermarket specialists. @richard from Comand Europe will know what can and what cannot be retrofited. Obviously, it can affect the new car warranty.

3. There have been many complaints on here from members about the MB integrated dashcam, essentially some people think that it's a piece of expensive sh1te, in part because it does not start recording automatically.

Best of luck.
Checked the car and I believe the camera should be fitted at the bottom of the plastic casing (top of windscreen) under the radar sensors. Looks like no camera is fitted, just a piece of plastic that looks like a dummy camera.

Which radar is there at the top of the windscreen?

Check with your VIN which camera(s) the car currently has and which options are needed for the dash cam. Didn't the dealer mention which codes are missing (are those options to purchase).

A few years back shortage of control units existed and some cars were delivered with options missing but that should not happen today.
I have a 2021 GLC300 Premium Plus, mine did not have the option to purchase the £200 Dashcam option but others of similar year did.

I contacted Mercedes customer service and asked if software update could allow me to purchase this, they told me that it was not possible to have this software retrofitted.

I read a post on one of the forums where someone had a similar issue but after the car went into dealership for a different problem an update called something like ‘Freshup 3’ was installed and hey presto the Dashcam option was available.

I went into the dealership for an update to the hybrid software and asked them to install the ‘Freshup’ update which they did for free and now the option is available should I wish to purchase this option.

New cars I believe have this installed on delivery.

I have a 2021 GLC300 Premium Plus, mine did not have the option to purchase the £200 Dashcam option but others of similar year did.

I contacted Mercedes customer service and asked if software update could allow me to purchase this, they told me that it was not possible to have this software retrofitted.

I read a post on one of the forums where someone had a similar issue but after the car went into dealership for a different problem an update called something like ‘Freshup 3’ was installed and hey presto the Dashcam option was available.

I went into the dealership for an update to the hybrid software and asked them to install the ‘Freshup’ update which they did for free and now the option is available should I wish to purchase this option.

New cars I believe have this installed on delivery.


My guess is that 'Freshup' is in effect a service pack (we call them in IT 'rollup'), that brings all the various firmwares on the car to a certain level. This is better than updating ECUs individually.
I took delivery of my new GLC 220D Prem Plus yesterday, July 2024 build so has the ‘new’option like heated steering wheel etc.
I went to set up the integrated dash cam but the app wasn’t showing. Realised I had to purchase the app but it said I couldn’t as it wasn’t available for my car/VIN
Checked the car and I believe the camera should be fitted at the bottom of the plastic casing (top of windscreen) under the radar sensors. Looks like no camera is fitted, just a piece of plastic that looks like a dummy camera.
Spoke to Mercedes and they said I am missing some codes on the build and they can’t be retrofitted.
I have seen loads of GLC posts re the dash cam so don’t understand why my PP wasn’t fitted with it.
Anyone else had this issue?
Surely the dealer can just order the camera, load the software etc. the wiring must be there, they must use the same wiring loom for every GLC build
Welcome to the club of being disappointed in Mercedes. I bought one in France and have the same dummy camera. Mercedes has said they don't condone dashcams anymore. Personally I think it is BS. I have found out that Mercedes due to 2022, 2023 are using inferior components. How do I know this? I took ownership of a GLC in France 2023. I have had a ton of little issues and finally in Germany they looked at it, fixed certain things up and explained. It is not nice what they did.
Morning All,

We have an EQC on a 73 plate. (Essentially the all electric version of the GLC, right? )

At handover, the dealership told us that if we plug a USB drive into one of the sockets, we'd have an inbuilt dash cam.

But looking at the windscreen, we only have a black insert where the camera should be, just like the OP.

Did you make any progress with yours?
We are also Prem Plus but no augmented reality. I think they removed this for the EQC?
Mark2207 & mr. shr

Update please?
If retrofit is possible, then there will likely be an option code to this effect on the Datacard ('pre-wiring for....' etc), and so it might be worth checking online what Datacards for other similar cars are showing, to see if you can identify an option code for it.

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