Our A35 has got a couple of thousand miles on it but mainly driven by the mrs. I took it out today. The conditions were quite damp.
I am slightly concerned as when I pulled out of junctions or put my foot down in lower gears it behaves very much like a front wheel drive car. From standing starts we are getting full blown wheel spin like her old gti and type R.
In 1st and 2nd gear once rolling the wheels spin when u give it a decent amount of throttle. I thought it was just because the car was still cold but it was still doing it when it was warmed up.
No warning lights on the dash or anything.
Now I have a mildly tuned 2018 golf r. Getting that thing to break traction takes an awful lot of effort and very rarely happens. Now I’m not mechanically minded and I understand that these hot hatches are front wheel drive until traction becomes an issue. In my R the transition is instant.
Rest assured it’s not poor driving technique on my part... although the throttle does take some getting used to in the A35 especially when cold. Something just doesn’t feel quite right. I am going to ring and discuss with merc tomorrow. I just wondered if anyone else experienced a similar issue?
Thanks in advance.
Our A35 has got a couple of thousand miles on it but mainly driven by the mrs. I took it out today. The conditions were quite damp.
I am slightly concerned as when I pulled out of junctions or put my foot down in lower gears it behaves very much like a front wheel drive car. From standing starts we are getting full blown wheel spin like her old gti and type R.
In 1st and 2nd gear once rolling the wheels spin when u give it a decent amount of throttle. I thought it was just because the car was still cold but it was still doing it when it was warmed up.
No warning lights on the dash or anything.
Now I have a mildly tuned 2018 golf r. Getting that thing to break traction takes an awful lot of effort and very rarely happens. Now I’m not mechanically minded and I understand that these hot hatches are front wheel drive until traction becomes an issue. In my R the transition is instant.
Rest assured it’s not poor driving technique on my part... although the throttle does take some getting used to in the A35 especially when cold. Something just doesn’t feel quite right. I am going to ring and discuss with merc tomorrow. I just wondered if anyone else experienced a similar issue?
Thanks in advance.