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ABC Valve Block


Active Member
Mar 17, 2015
Suzuki Alto
£1800 from mercedesIII is there anywhere i can source one for cheaper? W221
Not sure if all valve blocks are the same but I bought one from Mercedes for my 2003 SL55 last year and it was £1044 for the part. I managed to sell the old faulty one for £350 online as well!!
I thought in later mercs all valve block issues were rectified ?
We rebuild mine on w215 for 15£
mine is a 2006/07 s500 so not sure if that means mine is later it seems to have not been recitified.

How did you rebuild yours for so cheap
mine is a 2006/07 s500 so not sure if that means mine is later it seems to have not been recitified.

How did you rebuild yours for so cheap

More than likely when you take it apart it will just have some dirt in it and the O-rings will need replacing!
My god if it is that i will be so annoyed that i am forking out for the part as a whole.
I tried to rebuild mine with some 'o' rings that I got from the US (were about $10) but no good..... As above people have been known to be successful so worth a shot first before getting your chequebook out!
I think it depends what the fault with the block is. In most cases it's sagging suspension when the engine is stopped but since the lock valve is metal-to-metal changing the o-rings won't make much difference. Also, I seem to recall that the more recent valve blocks have solenoids that can't be removed as easily as the older ones...
I managed to clean both the valve blocks on my 2004 S55 for under £100.

But as Mr Kripling has said, i think from about 2006 onwards they were changed and can no longer be cleaned/refurbed.
Not sure if all valve blocks are the same but I bought one from Mercedes for my 2003 SL55 last year and it was £1044 for the part. I managed to sell the old faulty one for £350 online as well!!


How did you manage to sell it, where did you sell it on?
why did they change the 2006 ones, to make more dough i suppose

How did you manage to sell it, where did you sell it on?

I have no idea! I was chatting about the valve block needing replacing on the other UK mercedes forum and someone messaged asking if they can buy my old one?! I think he wanted to try a refurb himself not sure! Needless to say I took him up on his offer!!
Thanks, I reckon it could have been cleaned etc as car was not leaning to any particular side and mechanic told me that i was ok to drive for a couple hours, I am not a mechanic so a would not know where to start in terms or rebuild and needed car back asap.
Its a bit of messy job to get off so got my mechanic to take it off, then I played about with it, stripped it down, replaced the o rings etc but to no avail.... Took it to an Indy in the end to sort out as the original garage had it for 10 weeks sitting there (only initially went in for a service). With mine the issue started with a leak from the block. It was one of the copper washers, so i replaced it (very easy to replace), and then the problems started. I could have got some dirt in it whilst changing I don't know..... Nice feeling to know its all new though (although I am about to sell her :( )!!

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