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MB Club Veteran
Apr 23, 2004
Toad Hall
2018 C63 Wagon / CLK430 / A150 / VW Pink Floyd Golf Cabriolet
These wheels may or may not be cheap , no opinion is offered as to the secondhand value of these wheels.

Equally , they may or may not be good value , the poster of this thread accepts no responsibility for quality or value ( or not ) implied , neither does he endorse this posting. Please view ( and comment ) at your own risk ..

:rolleyes: ;)

Pretty sure that's the same guy who recently sold off a set of 190e 16V half-leather seats. Same source, maybe?

His 'grandfather' must've been a bit of a oldboy-racer...
and a bad driver judging by the condition of those wheels ;)
These wheels may or may not be cheap , no opinion is offered as to the secondhand value of these wheels.

Equally , they may or may not be good value , the poster of this thread accepts no responsibility for quality or value ( or not ) implied , neither does he endorse this posting. Please view ( and comment ) at your own risk ..

:rolleyes: ;)

all of the above is true until...........................................................

the original poster of this thread comes home slightly the worse for wear when all bets are off and he's ready to fight the world:D

(OK H, I'll stop now ......... I promise :))
Near you too Bruno ...

Got a set of those sat on the CLK, looking for some rims like Howards or an 18" set of the style 2`s im not sure, anyway I will have a set for sale soon when I find the rims I like,
Looking at that damaged wheel I think his grandfather died whilst driving an AMG? :devil:

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