Old C240 with 35K miles on the clock.
When cold I get annoying knock sort of noise over speed bumps and bumpy road. Sounds like something loose in the boot, I have taken everything out, and it still continues
Doesn't sound like a drop link, I have lubricated every bushing at the rear.
There is no play in control arms/links/anti rollbar.. The coils look fine.
Tends to be more prevalent when cold. In the warm summer it is quiet.
If I wiggle the exhaust around I hear no noise.
any ideas ?
When cold I get annoying knock sort of noise over speed bumps and bumpy road. Sounds like something loose in the boot, I have taken everything out, and it still continues
Doesn't sound like a drop link, I have lubricated every bushing at the rear.
There is no play in control arms/links/anti rollbar.. The coils look fine.
Tends to be more prevalent when cold. In the warm summer it is quiet.
If I wiggle the exhaust around I hear no noise.
any ideas ?