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C200 w205 remap


New Member
Oct 15, 2019
W205 c200
Hi All,

First post on here after lurking for some time now
I posted on piston heads but no replies as of yet.

I've booked my C200 W205 for a remap in a couple of weeks. Never had a remap or anything fancy like this done before so I'm a little apprehensive.

On one hand I've read about this an the general consensus is that all will generally be fine, the car will drive 10x better etc, but on the other hand I am concerned I'll just be reducing the car's longevity by doing so. The car is a 64 plate with 42k miles on the clock. remap from 181BHP to 241BHP.

241BHP is roughly the same as the C300, is this because the C200 is the exact same car but detuned so they can charge more for C300s or will there be differences in the turbo, the intakes, clutch, flywheel ratings etc as well?

Basically I want to apply a bit of science to the "it will be fine" answers. I probably won't be booting this car very often, I just want to unlock the C200 into its true C300 potential if merc have deliberately detuned it. If anyone has had this remap done I'd love to know about it.

Thanks very much in advance for you help.
They can add 35% just with a re-map ? it does not need bigger injectors fitted etc ? Thats pretty decent. With that amount will your insurers need to be told ? Is a C300 of identical spec to a C200 in a higher insurance bracket ?
Apparently it doesnt need new injectors etc but that's kind of what I'm checking :) am I going to tune the drive train to within one inch of its life and reduce its reliability.

I told my insurance company, 35 pounds a year more...
If you can get that much out of it and only go up £35 a year on insurance it sounds like a 'no brainer'. You are right in checking everything else out at the same time though. The drive train is likely to be identical to the 300. You could always go online and look at the spare part numbers for the gearbox/drive shaft/drive shaft 'do-nuts'/differential etc and compare.
If anyone decides to follow in my footsteps on this one. I went ahead and remapped it, it went from 181 to 249 BHP and 390nm of torque which is a significant gain. The car is obviously much more fun to drive.

I did some research and found that the gearbox of the c200 is identical to that of the c250 and c300, the ratios were also the same as were the injectors etc. I also asked an ex merc mechanic of his opinion on remaps expecting him to tell me it was a bad idea but he told me he'd remapped his car. I also noticed you can map a c200, a c250 and c300 to 249 BHP, this lead me to believe they're defo the same engine but downtuned!

Anyhow, that's how I convinced myself. I'll let you know if my engine explodes in the next few months and I I've to regret my decision :) thanks very much.
If anyone decides to follow in my footsteps on this one. I went ahead and remapped it, it went from 181 to 249 BHP and 390nm of torque which is a significant gain. The car is obviously much more fun to drive.

I did some research and found that the gearbox of the c200 is identical to that of the c250 and c300, the ratios were also the same as were the injectors etc. I also asked an ex merc mechanic of his opinion on remaps expecting him to tell me it was a bad idea but he told me he'd remapped his car. I also noticed you can map a c200, a c250 and c300 to 249 BHP, this lead me to believe they're defo the same engine but downtuned!

Anyhow, that's how I convinced myself. I'll let you know if my engine explodes in the next few months and I I've to regret my decision :) thanks very much.
You're talking about the Diesel engine... right? Not the 2.0L M274 petrol turbo engine?
Hi there. Did you get dyno confirmation of the 249 BHP and 390nm of torque.That is a seriously impressive increase. How does the car feel now?
I have been looking for somewhere to get mine remapped for sometime and Cardiff Remap sounds good and not to far away.
Yes, I'll screenshot the print out later. It feels like it should to be honest, the c200 is just a down tuned c300 and the 300 has 241 Bhp.

Almost all of the tuning companies quote 249 bhp for the c300 and c250 btw.

I forgot to mention I added it to my insurance and it was 30 quid a year.
That sounds great. I will be very interested in the screen shot.Are the dynamic engine settings(eco,comfort, sport & sport+) effected.
If anyone decides to follow in my footsteps on this one. I went ahead and remapped it, it went from 181 to 249 BHP and 390nm of torque which is a significant gain. The car is obviously much more fun to drive.

I did some research and found that the gearbox of the c200 is identical to that of the c250 and c300, the ratios were also the same as were the injectors etc. I also asked an ex merc mechanic of his opinion on remaps expecting him to tell me it was a bad idea but he told me he'd remapped his car. I also noticed you can map a c200, a c250 and c300 to 249 BHP, this lead me to believe they're defo the same engine but downtuned!

Anyhow, that's how I convinced myself. I'll let you know if my engine explodes in the next few months and I I've to regret my decision :) thanks very much.
Hi Gooon, did it all go well? Are they indeed the same car but 200 detuned? I'm in Cardiff and thinking of having a 2018 c200 petrol remapped. Thanks Celt
Hi Gooon, did it all go well? Are they indeed the same car but 200 detuned? I'm in Cardiff and thinking of having a 2018 c200 petrol remapped. Thanks Celt
Don't hold your breath.


New Member · 39 · From Cardiff
Joined Oct 15, 2019
Last seen Apr 2, 2020
I've just picked up this thread and I must say that I have a few issues with it; not for the OP who seems to have gone, but for others reading it.

The main point is that a 64-plate C200 cannot have a detuned version of the C300 engine as the latter didn't exist then. The C300 came later so must have been a development of the C200.

Also, given that the C200 of that era in the USA had gudgeon-pin and piston problems there, I would be very careful about taking more BHP and torque from it. Having said that, these problems seemed to be much less frequent in the UK, but there have been one or two on these forums.

Given what the OP planned to do, I would be looking for as 'cast iron' as possible a warranty against mechanical failure following the remap.

However, that's just me; I like to keep things standard, but would be interested to hear the experience of others.

I would never go for a remap on a c200 petrol.. asking for trouble!

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