Hi. Recenty i have noticed that sometimes the idle rpm value are differnt. Once in the same circumstances( a/c turn off) rpm value are 750 another time 850 rpm. Today when i was driving to the shop the rpm was at 850 rpm and it was ranining.after i stopped I pushed off button to turn off thermatic the rpm value fall down to 750 rpm. It looks like the a/c is tunr on even if it is turned off ( the a/c button is'nt Flash). Ater i finished my shopping and drove back home( without rain) the rpm was at 750.
Does anyone has any idea why is it hannepning? I dont know if i shlould worry. Does the weather has imapct on it?
Thx in advance.
First photo rain; second without rain both a/c turned off

Does anyone has any idea why is it hannepning? I dont know if i shlould worry. Does the weather has imapct on it?
Thx in advance.
First photo rain; second without rain both a/c turned off