New Member

Hi! My W205 Mercedes C250 cdi 7G-Tronic threw me this today. The car was moving perfectly fine , without anything unusual, I parked the car, locked it left for 20 minutes came back and found this. I can’t switch the gear to any other one, not DRIVE, REVERSE, or NEUTRAL. I have found online how to ‘reset the gearbox’ but that didn’t change anything at all.
The only thing that happened prior and was out of the ordinary, is that when I tried to put it to drive in the morning when I just started it , it didn’t go into gear immediately, and I probably clicked it a few more times after which it went into drive.
The main issue apart from the error is that the car is in a pretty tight parking spot, and the recovery truck can’t take it from there. My mechanic told me he never encountered this error on the 205.
Anyone has any suggestions what could’ve possibly caused this error, or perhaps a possible way to at least to put the car into Neutral so the recovery truck could move it out of the parking.
Appreciate any help!