Petrol Pete
Hardcore MB Enthusiast
I purposely titled this 'C55' as the M113 V8 is used in loads of MB cars to which this post will not apply due to the simple fact that all have bigger engine bays than the W/S203 C55's and access to the plug in question is not such an issue.
I replaced my spark plugs (all 16 'natch) , taking sparkplugs out is basic stuff for any DIY mechanic but my advice for any C55 owners out there is to take the plug out nearest the driver (RHD) first then install and torque the new one.
If you have the correct tools to do that successfully , go ahead and do the other 15.
But do that one first, it's awkward. It's not rocket science but making sure what tools you have to hand can squeeze in there is the first step to success.
PS . I had the correct tools including a plug cap boot puller that I bough on a recent trip to the USA (VERY handy to have) I also have a very small torque wrench which fits nicely.
PPS Bit of a niche post I know , but there it is.

I replaced my spark plugs (all 16 'natch) , taking sparkplugs out is basic stuff for any DIY mechanic but my advice for any C55 owners out there is to take the plug out nearest the driver (RHD) first then install and torque the new one.
If you have the correct tools to do that successfully , go ahead and do the other 15.
But do that one first, it's awkward. It's not rocket science but making sure what tools you have to hand can squeeze in there is the first step to success.
PS . I had the correct tools including a plug cap boot puller that I bough on a recent trip to the USA (VERY handy to have) I also have a very small torque wrench which fits nicely.
PPS Bit of a niche post I know , but there it is.