I appreciate that you now wish to replace your battery as opposed to recharging it.
Modern day chargers require some battery power left in the battery to start the charge process, and anything less than about 7 volts will not accept a charge. This is why your smart charger is ineffective, good for topping up, but no use for a recharge. However, you may still wish to charge the battery and find another use for it, rather than chuck it out. (Cue the 100 uses for an old battery thread).
What is needed is a good "old fashioned" type charger, that just uses rectified DC from an AC transformer inside it.
The old Selmer type chargers, which all look the same inside, which often you can buy for a few quid off of a Car Boot sale, or someone you know might have one you can borrow.
These old chargers will often charge up a completely flat battery and give it a secondary lease of life.
Handy also to have a small multimeter to keep your eye on the voltage. Normal caveat about no smoking etc etc when charging a battery applies.
Another top tip from "my house and garage is full of rubbish ".