Pitts Pilot
Active Member
Thanks for posting, car looks excellent and the work done looks very good too.
You obviously feel aggrieved by gemclean's pricing. Did you get an in person quote or just a ball park worst case figure by phone or email? I spoke to them last summer to get a quote when I bought my new eclass. I decided not to go ahead, but I found him very responsive and open about his work and prices. At the time I was giving a worst case over the phone and offered a no obligation inspection and specific quote if I visited him.
Personally, if I thought someone was too expensive I simply wouldn't buy from them. I'm not sure I would then feel the need to post negative comments about their pricing and make comparisons of their work when I have no personal experience of it.
Thanks for your comment.
I cannot confirm that it was Gemclean I was talking about, your words not mine!
I think however you might want to re-read my post. I said this other firm probably did do superior work AND that I was not comparing apples with apples.
How even handed can I get?
But 3 x the Divine Detail quote, yes by email, is significant, and I reiterate that IMO there is a Law of Diminishing returns when it comes to paying for professional detailing work.
I'm sorry you thought it negative, but it was pointing out a huge difference in price, and I think that's one way that Forums can be so helpful.
Incidentally, I had 3 PM's from Members who had also had quotes from the other firm, so I'm not alone in my opinion.
Anyway, the bottom line is that Divine Detail did a great job at a very reasonable price, IMO.