Downgrading from 19" to 18" wheels can have some benefits, like improved ride comfort, as the thicker tire sidewalls on 18" wheels tend to absorb road imperfections better. You might also notice reduced road noise and potentially lower replacement costs for tires. On the downside, you could lose a bit of the sharper handling feel and aesthetic appeal that the larger alloys offer, especially on an AMG Line model.
When swapping wheels, ensure the new set has the correct offset (ET), bolt pattern, and load rating for your car. It’s also worth checking your car’s manual or a tire size calculator to find the appropriate tire size to maintain the correct rolling radius and avoid speedometer inaccuracies.
If you’re looking to sell or exchange your current alloys, local online marketplaces can be a good option. For instance, I’ve had success with when looking for car parts and wheels—it might help you find buyers or a replacement set. Good luck with your decision! Let us know how it works out.