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E300 Td Head


Active Member
Aug 2, 2006
Hi All Has Anybody Here Got Any Books Or Where Can I Get Anybooks On Head Data For A 98 E300td Going To Recon The Head In Next Few Weeks Many Thanks For Any Help:)
hi nick 250k on clock bit noisey getting up top end.. breathing a bit thru oil filler auto gearbox and rest all spot on so thought worth doing rather than changing car thanks
hi nick 250k on clock bit noisey getting up top end.. breathing a bit thru oil filler auto gearbox and rest all spot on so thought worth doing rather than changing car thanks

If it's breathing, isn't that the bottom end?

The noise might be injectors?

Rock solid engines those, they seem to go forever unlike the later CDIs which are about worn out at 100k...
nick are you thinking piston rings? top end is not the injectors its a diff sound to that.. bit chattery when i take the oil filler off car still starting first flick of key and idling even.. running good.. rather spend few quid on it than part with it thanks
nick are you thinking piston rings? top end is not the injectors its a diff sound to that.. bit chattery when i take the oil filler off car still starting first flick of key and idling even.. running good.. rather spend few quid on it than part with it thanks

They're great cars, possibly the best car MB ever built, well worth a mid life rebuild.

Do you get any smoke out of the back on the motorway?

I take it the chain is still nice and taught?
i was thinking myself worth a rebuild nick.. only smokes when bootin up to speed then clean.. smokes bit at lights etc not burning no oil at all in between changes.. not getting any breathing thru dipstick when take that out as running only thru oil filler..chain seems tight could it be that chattering thanks nick

My advice would be leave it alone and drive the life out of it. You could spend a lot of money on the head and notice very little difference. Change the oil every 10K with fully synthetic and drive drive drive.:)

Only my thoughts mind, other folks might have different ideas.

Sounds like a burnt or poorly-seated exhaust valve to me

It'll cost you £1200-1500 for a complete top-end overhaul, skimmed head, new CHG, new bolts, recon injectors, new glowplugs, new timing chain and new tensioner inc labour

Even if you take the head off yourself I'd leave the work to professionals. You'll need to get it skimmed and rebuilt - I was quoted about £300 for that inc parts which I thought was very reasonable

Nick Froome
hi bolide thanks for advise i can take off head and replace myself can you remember who quoted you for your head parts and skim im up in READING only hour an half from your area thanks again:)
Does it need to be skimmed?

Bearing in mind the cost of redoing the head removal & replacement if the head's not flat & seated nicely, I would say yes. Same with crack testing

Speak to Nick at QEP (Quality Engineered Products) in Burgess Hill. They work on about 1200 heads a year and do all the local race car work

Nick Froome
hi nick yes i was going to get it skimmed as the head was off..and crack tested thanks
hi bolide thanks for your help as all of you.. il give them a ring in the week to see whats best for me thanks again
Very rare these engines need any work, certainly not on the forums I've read. They just seem to go forever.

I've just jinxed myself haven't I?
hi parrot engine going well seems bit chattery on top end taking it to europe next summer wanted to be double sure.. but at the end of the day loads knock them but I LOVE MY W210...and dont want to part with it
hi 230k im sure it will go on and on cant fault nothing else on car thats why i thought i give it rebuild

Prior to your continent run might be worth checking your alternator pulley and if its the original water pump change it.

Check out post 11 here: http://www.mbclub.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=26149

Great for the France Spain run i have done 1080 miles in one day Belfast to Biarritz, me the wife and 4 kids and luggage.

Good luck,

hi good advice i didnt realise it was plastic on pump..and il change alt pulley. anything else i should look at ? many thanks

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