As davidjpowell has said, getting the number of days is quite straightforward by just taking the first date from the second. In fact, you can display the result in 'minutes' without applying custom number formats, simply by multiplying the result by 1440 (number of minutes in a day).
Showing the difference in months, days and minutes is more of a challenge. You could achieve it with a series of convoluted formulae, but the cleanest way would be to write a custom function using Excel's VBA module.
[Alt]+[F11] will open the VB editor. Then from the editior's menu, select
Insert | Module and paste the following code at the flashing cursor:
Function dateDiff(date1, date2)
monthEnd = date1: endDate = date2
time1 = date1 - Int(date1): time2 = date2 - Int(date2)
If time2 < time1 Then endDate = endDate - 1: time2 = time2 + 1
For i = 1 To 1000
testDate = Application.WorksheetFunction.EDate(date1, i)
If testDate > endDate Then monthCount = i - 1: Exit For
monthEnd = testDate
dayCount = Format(endDate - monthEnd, "0")
minuteCount = Hour(time2 - time1) * 60 + Minute(time2 - time1)
dateDiff = monthCount & "m, " & dayCount & "d, " & minuteCount & "mins"
End Function
You can then close the VB editor, and use your new dateDiff function within the spreadsheet.
So, let's say you enter your date/time values in cells A1 and A2 respectively. In cell A3 (or wherever) you can enter:
=dateDiff(A1, A2)
and the result will be:
4m, 7d, 175mins for the sample dates you specified.
You can adjust the way the result is displayed, or even get the function to return the months, days and minutes as separate values if desired, by tweaking the code within the function.