Hi, newbie here, I am tying to remove the fan on my 1986 230E W123 I wondered if anyone had any suggestions or tips on the best way of securing it so that the bold can be undone.
There should/might be a hole in the flange of the water pump pulley that you can put an allen key or similar into that will jam against the water pump housing preventing it from turning.
I will look for a pic that will maybe explain it better.
You can make up a pulley locking tool by drilling and cutting a piece of 1/8"metal plate. Use a piece of cardboard first as a template to check for fit then cut out the metal with a jig saw after drilling suitable holes for the allen screw heads. A quick and nasty way is using a large mole wrench clamped on the pulley to lock it if you havn't got the locking hole in the pulley ( some cars don't) If you have most folk use an old allen key of suitable size as a locking tool. Other folks have used part of the old poly V belt as a home made "Strap Wrench" to lock the pulley but I doubt this will exert enough resistance to rotation myself.
Hi guys I have been able to get the fan undone and have removed the water pump (thats the part I'm replacing but the electromagnetic fan clutch won't budge. Any idea's or suggestions?