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Forums upgraded.


Staff member
Jun 1, 2002
W168, W169 & S202
There was a upgrade to our forums software this afternoon! 3.01 baby!

just FYI.
Good job! Are there any new features or is just a bug-fix?
would that bug fix be anything to do with the fact that I'm not getting any more email notifications of posts on threads?


I can also no longer post at work - -all seems to work ok - but when I hit submit messahe - get the error IE error message.

Also from home the site seems much slower :crazy:

Sorry guys - is anyone else suffering or is it just me :(
The forums are MUCH MUCH slower. I have been able to post in other forums (some other ones that i havent been to in years) while waiting for this to load!
A tad hessitant here in Preston, might have something to do with the good weather we are and have experienced.
email updates for pms have not been working for me for about a week
The slowness of the forums is nothing toi do with the upgrades! - I will look into e-mail updates - Was just waiting for enough support calls before I diagnose.
slow for me too on 512k... and at work I have a turbo-supersonic-eye watering 50,000k connection

but today seems OK

Your host seems slow rather than the forum software, this is a PHP based forum so should be much zipper than lesser cgi and produces less load on the server. I guess your host's databases are being overloaded or server needs more RAM?

Anyway you could prompt your host that your forum is running fairly slow and you demands the service that you should be entitled to for this high profile site :)

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