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Hello from Aylesburyish


Active Member
Sep 18, 2019
Bucks/Oxon border
Ml 320 2007
<div class="bbWrapper">Hello just joined as I have just bought a 3.0l M class 2007 , I know nothing about MB but have been Vauxhall and Nissan driver for most of my previous cars .<br /> Just leaving a Nissan Pathfinder , and picking up the new to me car Thursday pm <br /> I am sure I will have a lot of questions about the new car <br /> Regards <br /> Martin</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Welcome <img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/8.0/png/unicode/64/1f642.png" class="smilie smilie--emoji" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" alt=":)" title="Smile :)" data-smilie="1"data-shortname=":)" /></div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Welcome, am sure you will enjoy the car, I had 2007 ML 320cdi Sport about 3 years ago, enjoyed it so much I upgraded to a 2011 ML350. Other than needing a new throttle pedal and a couple of ABS Wheel sensors, none particularly expensive, it was a very reliable car hopefully yours will be the same.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Welcome!</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Thanks for the welcomes It has 6 months warranty when I pick it so anything wrong they will sort it hopefully . <br /> Is there a towing section I had a quick look earlier but didn't see it . I am going to need a towbar fitting so looking for information on this to start with</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 148885" data-quote="M666LFF" data-source="post: 2800417" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=2800417" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-2800417">M666LFF said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> Thanks for the welcomes It has 6 months warranty when I pick it so anything wrong they will sort it hopefully .<br /> Is there a towing section I had a quick look earlier but didn't see it . I am going to need a towbar fitting so looking for information on this to start with </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>Are you aware that by putting your postcode under the location part of your profile you have pinpointed the street that you (I assume) live on?</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Welcome from an Aylesbury member <img src="/styles/mbclub/smilies/thumb.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":thumb:" title="Thumb :thumb:" data-shortname=":thumb:" /></div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 133891" data-quote="Landie1" data-source="post: 2804286" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=2804286" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-2804286">Landie1 said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> Welcome from an Aylesbury member <img src="/styles/mbclub/smilies/thumb.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":thumb:" title="Thumb :thumb:" data-shortname=":thumb:" /> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>And from a 'just down the road over the border in Herts' member.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 148885" data-quote="M666LFF" data-source="post: 2800321" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=2800321" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-2800321">M666LFF said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> Hello just joined as I have just bought a 3.0l M class 2007 , I know nothing about MB but have been Vauxhall and Nissan driver for most of my previous cars .<br /> Just leaving a Nissan Pathfinder , and picking up the new to me car Thursday pm<br /> I am sure I will have a lot of questions about the new car<br /> Regards<br /> Martin </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>Hi there!</div>
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