<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 150705" data-quote="55AMGCLK" data-source="post: 2831697"
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<a href="/goto/post?id=2831697"
data-content-selector="#post-2831697">55AMGCLK said:</a>
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I brought the plugs (same as what was in it Bosch Platinum) from Eurocarparts and got them for just over £200. They had some kind of offer going on. <br />
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According to the service history the spark plugs were last changed at 51,000 miles in 2013. The car has only done 87,000 so I thought I would change them partially as preventative maintenance (I understand that they should last 60k miles or so) and secondly on a cold start, the car is rough (rough gear change and revs fluctuating + a few vibrations). Once it has warmed up it is perfect. There are no errors on the car whatsoever. In addition to the plugs, I will be changing the fuel filter (according to the history, this has never been changed, not sure what the internal is but must be due). I will clean the Throttle body, and getting rid of the K&N filers. <br />
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I have ordered the service bits and fuel filter from Mercedes. There air filters were a bit steep at just under £100 so I will try and get some Mann ones. <br />
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Quite a few things to over the next couple of months.... Will see how it behaves after the above which needs doing anyhow.
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The plugs should have been changed in 2017, 4 years after the last set so they are well overdue despite the mileage. The car will feel really smooth after the plug change.<br />
NGK Iridium plugs can be found on eBay for around £130 for 16 last time I looked.</div>