Thank you for your support gentlemen, you obviously get it. These bits do not come easy nor do they come cheap. Only the truly dedicated even understand what they are looking at as these badges simple do not exist.
I went to the trouble of enlisting an graphic artist to recreate these in a 3D platform from nothing but a single photograph and a hazy outline from my AMG wide body donor. Quite the accomplishment if I do say so myself. So yeah, I'm proud and would like spread the joy even if it means self promoting an eBay auction. So what?
I've given a couple of these away to two fellow pre-merger enthusiasts who recently rebuilt genuine 5.4 AMG motors...
As with every one of the pieces of unobtainium that I have produced, I did it for me but went ahead and made a couple of more to share while I was at it. If I make a couple of dollars to help offset the my production costs, then great. If not, I still have something that wasn't available before I started.
As for this particular badge...professionally designed and produced, hand prepped and painted by yours truly... the Current bid is merely $19.99 US, very much a bargain.
Non pre-merger AMG enthusiasts need not apply.