<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 14913" data-quote="DSLiverpool" data-source="post: 3402324"
class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
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<a href="/goto/post?id=3402324"
data-content-selector="#post-3402324">DSLiverpool said:</a>
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<div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent ">
So iPhone 15 usb c to Mercedes multimedia - I sussed out sound on AUX with a 3.5mm to usb c adapter plugged into the merc multimedia 3.5 cable.<br />
You get sound - apparently nobody knows this so I’m changing the world <img class="smilie smilie--emoji" alt="😂" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/8.0/png/unicode/64/1f602.png" title="Face with tears of joy :joy:" data-shortname=":joy:" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" /><br />
If I ever find a Bluetooth adapter I’ll get that but nobody knows the model ?
<div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div>
</blockquote>See the link that I gave you earlier in the week.<br />
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Click through the link that I included and then investigate from there. This really shouldn't be complicated, it's a decade old vehicle.<br />
That gives you your bluetooth link, then separately you need a power connection, purely to keep your USB-C phone charged, not to transfer data.<br />
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Bluetooth rather than data cable connection gives you the enormous advantage that you can just open your car, start it up, and say "Hey Sir, play Start it Up, by the Rolling Stones" and it will with no faffing for cables<br />
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<a href="https://forums.mbclub.co.uk/attachments/screenshot-2024-06-21-at-18-28-04-png.158222/"
target="_blank"><img src="https://forums.mbclub.co.uk/data/attachments/131/131829-70fc2238d52a7c038191b2879bafc0e7.jpg?hash=cPwiONUqfA"
class="bbImage "
alt="Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 18.28.04.png"
title="Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 18.28.04.png"
width="567" height="361" loading="lazy" /></a></div>