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Please, Please help with stalling?


New Member
Oct 16, 2006
I have a Merc c200 estate she has never had anything go wrong.....

This morning I got up and started her and she stalled, I started her again and she stalled. I drove her to the local shop and she stalled at every junction. I went on to the supermarket and nearly caused a major pile up at the traffic lights.

I decided to take her to the local garage on the way home and they charged me £25.00 to take a look and tell me their diagnostic computer did not recognise my car and so they couldn't give me an answer as to what was causing it!! So I brought her home again stalling at every junction.

They tell me I have to take it to MBS, I just know they are going to want to charge me a fortune.

Abit of back-ground history, I brought the car second hand with FSH. The plugs, leads and fuel filter have been changed on the last service only about 4 months ago. I seem to remember she did it for a about 2 days on and off about 8 months ago. It seemed to clear itself but I have a feeling it isn't going to this time.

Can anyone shed any light on why this is happening? Could it be the idle control valve?

Please Help Ele

without wishing to post something thats nothing to do with the subject the V8 M113 and V6 M112 engines are known to do this and its the crank position sensor, I have never heard of this on a 4 cyclinder engine but when the fault happens it leaves no error codes on the other engines which replcates what your having - any other people heard of this on the 4 cyl??
Hi umedc I am in Exeter Devon? Something as simple is causing so many problems putting me off the car completely. At the traffic lights earlier today when she stalled I put my hazzards on and so many people beeped me and got cross - I would never do that to someone else. As you can tell I have had a rotten day!
In the mean time remember to keep the revs up so you don't stall (Unless it's an auto, don't know if it's possible with them, don't drive them!)
Very frustrating and an upsetting problem. I had a similar thing on one of mine, kept cutting out randomly when slowing down. Hopefully someone will help you out and get this sorted. :)
It's difficult when you are approaching a down hill roundabout and have to break as soon as the revs drop she stalls there is no fighting it! I had an old vw polo I that used to stall because she was soooo old and I could juggle it and keep the revs up but there is no stopping this merc!
Is it only when slowing down or all the time.? It sounds like either the idle control valve or throttle slide is sticking, or you have a vacuum leak.

Check the pipes into the manifold and give the throttle and idle control valve(if it has one) a spray with carb cleaner.
Hi there, when you start it up and then when you slow down to the junction or roundabout. She starts straight away but then at the next junction of lights she then stops again, everytime you want her to tick over she just wont - starting to make me feel crazy....

Thanks for the advice I will go and have a look right now! I will get back to you with the outcome.
Hi there Dieselman, I tried the spray and she is still stalling. Do you think I should take it for a diagnostic check or do you think I should have the idle control valve changed?
Did you spray inside the throttle housing and valve.? Check thoroughly for vacuum leaks.
We did spray all around the area and checked for vacum leaks as best we could but we do not have the right equipment. The throttle housing is that at the side of the injection, we have sprayed there as well but do we have to take the cover off and spray inside?

We don't know alot about merc's its the first time we have had one.

Looking down from above the righthand side of the manifold pip near the bulkhead the is the 3 vacum pipes that attach to fiel inj manifold. There is a white one, a black one and there seems to be another gator for the 3rd pipe but no pipe do you know if there should be a third pipe if so where would it lead? What would it do?

I am sorry if you don't understand what the hell I am talking about, having trouble explaining myself. We are just grasping at straws hoping we can solve it without spending too much money.
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Well that is something we will have to-do in the morning now. Thanks for the advice. I will let you know how we get on.

Clean or have the Throttle body cleaned, It sorted my car right out! If you do it your self you will need to buy some Carb and choke cleaner and a roll of kitchen towel, get your self Haynes manual to disconnect the induction pipework and open the throttle flap and give it good old dowsing with the cleaner... And wipe inside the throttle body with the kitchen towel. Warning this can be messy.. reconnect afterwards and start her up...
Just parked her up over the weekend got so fed up with her. I did however buy a haynes manual today! 2morow I will buy Carb and Choke cleaner. We will have a bash tomorow evening - To be honest although we had brought the manual today we were all set for booking her in to MBS in Exeter. Hubby has just said he will do as you have said and is looking it all up as we speak. Fingers crossed and thanks for your advice. I will let you know how we get on.
I think your system will be the 2nd diagram down HERE
Remove the intake pipe #23 and spray the inside of the throttle casing.
Hey guys thanks so much! Hubby got home from work early today and started straight away. He said it was full of muck, cleaned it up and sprayed inside the throttle casing like you said. She is now ticking over nicely.

Thanks to all of you! One happy Lady!

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