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Is There An App To Find A Bluetooth Accessory "Mislaid"??


MB Enthusiast
Nov 13, 2008
Nr Ashford, Kent
2008 S204 C220CDI Elegance Estate Auto, 2008 R171 facelift SLK280 Auto.
My dear wife has a single hearing aid that links via Bluetooth to an app on her phone. However, she is not the most careful about it when she has it on especially as she has long hair, and this time she has managed to take it off somehow (brushing her hair or running hands through hair??), she's pretty certain inside the house, and we've both searched thoroughly and cannot find it. I've tried the app that it connects to on her phone, for changing volume etc, but no "find my hearing aid" facility (unlike her samsung phone which we can find!), so I wonder if anyone knows of an app that will locate a Bluetooth accessorie and help us find it!
If you walk around the house with the phone in Bluetooth scan mode, then the device will appear on the list of available Bluetooth devices (or even actually connect to the phone) when you are near it. Assuming its battery didn't run out, that is....

It won't pinpoint its location, but it might narrow it down by showing you which room you need to search.
Thanks Mark, didn't think to try that but the outcome is even funnier. Wife had taken off the outer layer (of 3) when heating/fire came on, then late last night when undressing for bed found the errant aid in her cleavage! I'll remember your tip though, as it's bound to happen again - I've lost track of the number of times I've had to dial her mobile on our landline so she can find where in the house she's put her mobile down - funniest one was in a drawer in the utility, that took some finding even though we could faintly hear it ringing!
The days when a photo of Cora's cleavage were worthwhile are unfortunately long gone Bobby - remember she's 74 going on 75, so nature and to a lesser extent gravity (as well as 2 children) have taken their toll! Fortunately the onset of age has also affected my eyesight, so I'm still a happy bunny!!

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