Active Member
Good morning mbclub,
For years I have delt with faults with old Sam units such as w209 fog light issues to corrosion issues inside that just needed cleaning out.
However this is really puzzling me. It's not hard nowadays for anyone to do research with the access of the internet and through reputable sources but very confusing when they give you contradicting information for the same issue!
I bought my old man an w220 s500.
The side light L is not working. (Passenger)
(Prior to blaming the SAM I've Checked bulb resistance, wire loom & contacts, checked voltage to the bulb)
So common sense would say clean the left passenger SAM from corrosion - if still faulty then replace with another one.
HOWEVER- Benzworld are saying left Sam controls left side of the car (but also controls the RIGHT headlight). Right Sam controls right side of the car (but controls LEFT headlight).
-This apparently is to prevent total blackouts.
Mercedesmedic's awesome write up "what is a SAM Module" that we have all seen before is amazing but very generic to all SAM units. It specifies left Sam for left (including left front lights) right for right components (including right lights)
Before posting this I've looked on previous threads / posts from other mercs of this era with similar faults but no definitive answer.
Annoying when people just wave the white flag and give their pride and joy to the dealer so we never get an answer.
Anyone else experienced or know anything else about this ?
Best regards
For years I have delt with faults with old Sam units such as w209 fog light issues to corrosion issues inside that just needed cleaning out.
However this is really puzzling me. It's not hard nowadays for anyone to do research with the access of the internet and through reputable sources but very confusing when they give you contradicting information for the same issue!
I bought my old man an w220 s500.
The side light L is not working. (Passenger)
(Prior to blaming the SAM I've Checked bulb resistance, wire loom & contacts, checked voltage to the bulb)
So common sense would say clean the left passenger SAM from corrosion - if still faulty then replace with another one.
HOWEVER- Benzworld are saying left Sam controls left side of the car (but also controls the RIGHT headlight). Right Sam controls right side of the car (but controls LEFT headlight).
-This apparently is to prevent total blackouts.
Mercedesmedic's awesome write up "what is a SAM Module" that we have all seen before is amazing but very generic to all SAM units. It specifies left Sam for left (including left front lights) right for right components (including right lights)
Before posting this I've looked on previous threads / posts from other mercs of this era with similar faults but no definitive answer.
Annoying when people just wave the white flag and give their pride and joy to the dealer so we never get an answer.
Anyone else experienced or know anything else about this ?
Best regards