New Member
Me and the wife were going to a family get-together, when as we arrived at the venue the car stalled. The electric fan came on as i tried to turn the key, i noticed that the guages were not functioning but there was no other indication that the engine may be too hot. After trying 4 or 5 times the guages came back on and when i turned the key it started( the temp guage was normal). the problem never surfaced again but i searched several posts on this and other sites. I came to the conclusion that I should look at the k40 relay. on taking it off and opening the relay I could see that 2 of the soldered joints were discoloured.
With this being the wifes car I ordered and got a new relay (£98+vat).After fitting it there were a few new noises on the engine ,the main one being the supercharger ! you see we've just had this car 4 weeks and it was still faster than her old car- but now its a hell of a lot faster.
With this being the wifes car I ordered and got a new relay (£98+vat).After fitting it there were a few new noises on the engine ,the main one being the supercharger ! you see we've just had this car 4 weeks and it was still faster than her old car- but now its a hell of a lot faster.