If you are getting a bad smell, as others had alluded to, this is essentially because the hvac system is wet and not hostile enough such that bacteria can thrive in the hvac.
This usually means either:
The car only gets used for short journeys; or,
The aircon/hvac isn't turned on all the time (some people drive around with it off/blower on zero); or,
As above due to aircon being broken; or,
The drain is blocked/partially blocked, and is retaining too much moisture.
Basically, all causes are too much moisture in the system, but no.3 & 4 have to be resolved by sorting out the faulty system/drain block.
It terms of treatment (assuming no blocked, or blockage resolved, or aircon fixed), then aircon bomb/using the aircon will over time sort the issue. I've also found it very effective (assuming you don't do short journeys) running the hvac on highest temp setting plus good fan speed for a couple of weeks ans driving round with the widows cracked a bit/open. Totally manageable when the temps are a bit lower outside, as they are not. The hot environment really dries out the hvac, thus eliminating the environment the bacteria love.