It's just an extreme use of the "I've got my hazards on so the highway code doesn't apply to me" mentality that is visible at most double yellow lines near a cash point.
I think that sort of lowlife should be given a spade dumped on a remote island with some plants, a cow and some chickens and left to fend for himself. Work or starve.
So you'd only feel for the car? two words, ufton nervet! this guy risked a lot more than just an average mercedes being sent to it's grave. 3.5 years is a pathetic sentence.
So you'd only feel for the car? two words, ufton nervet! this guy risked a lot more than just an average mercedes being sent to it's grave. 3.5 years is a pathetic sentence.
I think that sort of lowlife should be given a spade dumped on a remote island with some plants, a cow and some chickens and left to fend for himself. Work or starve.
Either of those are possible (I've never laughed at last of the summer wine and that went on for years), and I definitely don't understand everything (Space time baffles me). Or maybe you are not actually funny?