Anyone noticed the question from a certain Simal.....aka$h, are you thinking of supercharging the E36?
Ive still got a m104 twin turbo kit in storage, so if something changes and I have loads of free time, I would consider it.
(I hope your reading this Olly)
I know the 3.6 engine is stronger, in that it has forged pistons, a machined head and stronger crank. This guy is making out like it just bolts into place. His answers to my questions are a little odd too.
My question:
Ive got a w124 e36, its the same engine as the c36. will it require internal engine modification, or a reduction in compression?
The relpys:
Hi Yes it is! (36,06cc)....what a lovely high-revving engine that was compaired to the dull E39 BMW 540i V8 i have now :-(
You should have more than enough space as i struggled with the 202 c-class.
Best Regards, Yusif.
Hi Again, I will require the ecu remapping and a beefed-up MAF (mass airflow sensor) this engine is a high compression engine 10/1 i think so the ecu needs to be remapped to accept the given airflow (North-west Barabus center did mine for £750 back in 2005)
This was where i got my idea from (it shows a picture of an E280 engine(w124) which is what the AMG 3.6 engine was based on.
Will try and find the memory stick that's got my own conversion pics on it and post one or 2 on the auction for you to see
The 3 replys were to the 1 question and sent in that order, seems to me like he is making it up as he goes along.