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W208 new owner - need help with fault code


New Member
Apr 23, 2011
R129 SL500
HI all

Just picked up a W208 convertible - 2001.

I had a BAS and ABS light fault when I bought the car and the vendor told me that he believed it was a faulty Yaw sensor

I bought an Icarsoft reader with the 38 pin adaptor and did indeed get a fault code relating to the Yaw sensor

Ive changed the yaw sensor (what a mission!) and cleared the codes. Pleased to say that he BAS light has not gone out but the ABS remains.

I rescanned the car but the only code I get in the brake menu is:
C1210-064 "State: Current and Historic Road Test : active"

Anyone know what this means?

i havent driven the car on the road as it's not currently MOTd. Is this something that might clear with a road test? Is that what it means?

I was expecting to see some codes relating to ABS wheel speed sensors, or ABS module, but there is nothing....

Any help would be greatly appreciated - repeat, the BAS light is now out - just the ABS light illuminated


I would think that the yaw sensor and steering angle sensors need re-calibrating. icarsoft may do it for you ? The sensors new to talk to each other, I did this on one our Ducato's a while back. Unless everything is calibrated you will get all manner of ABS ESP errors.
One it could be the brake light switch -needs replacing -easy fix plug and play, it by the foot brake ..or another one is,-- with engine on turn steering wheel to the right to the stop ,then do the same in the other ditecion till it stops Check if the lights gone off .. Other is to change speed sensors.

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