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W213 Comand NTG5.5


New Member
Aug 2, 2013
W213 E220d Premium with Widescreen and Driving Assistance
Having had my W213 (2016 E220d Premium, with Widescreen, and Driving Assistance) for almost a month now, I thought I’d offer my thoughts on the NTG5.5 Comand system, compared to NTG4.5 in my W204 C250. There are so many areas where it seems a real step backwards, particularly in the navigation section. I’d welcome any input telling me what I may be missing.

Before that, just to note that I’m really happy with the car, the ride and noise levels are greatly improved on my C250, the Driving Assistance and remote access/tracking/geofencing add to a truly enjoyable experience.

Comand Issues

1. It‘s slow! The displays look really nice on the widescreen display, but there is a significant lag between any entry, and something happening on the display. In most cases, it is an annoyance, but with map zooming, I find it makes the touchpad totally useless. Doing a ‘pinch’ to make it zoom is not the simplest thing, then you have to wait for a second or so to see if anything happened. If you want to zoom two or three times, the whole process takes forever, and is very distracting. Fortunately, the rotary knob is there, so you can turn the knob two or three clicks to do a big zoom in or out easily. I pity those who (I believe) will lose the wheel in the W205 upgrade out soon.

2. Address entry is also really slow, it looks like it goes online for almost everything. Originally, I thought it didn’t do full postcode entry, as it took so long to come up on the screen. I guess it depends on how good the data connection to the servers is.

3. No destination address book! I really can’t believe this is missing. You can only get to places by either entering them from scratch, or from the recent destinations list. However, unless you set the destination from a POI, it appears in the recent list just by the address, you can’t name any entry (can’t create a ‘Joe’s house’ entry). You can stick a few named destinations in the Favourites tray, but there are only 20 favourites for everything, destinations and other functions).

4. I’ve failed to find any way of seeing traffic on route, as you could with NTG4.5. (NTG 4.5 provided a simple ‘traffic on route’ text display) The little display showing overall time in traffic in minutes is really nice, but I can’t see how to easily find out where the delays on my route are. You can obviously look on the screen for the yellow or red traffic bars (incidentally I find the yellow very difficult to see against the green, much preferred the more obvious little red and yellow cars!). You can go into map pan mode, then click to see traffic in the vicinity, but this just hops around the items shown on the current display. The detail on each of these is also poor, just a word or two.

5. Waypoints seem to have totally gone. You can now set an intermediate destination, but then the arrival time is only for the intermediate destination, not the final location. I liked to use waypoints as the way of forcing a specific route. As far as I can see, setting an intermediate destination is like setting it as the final location, then setting the real final destination afterwards. Much nicer with 4.5, where you could set a waypoint, and see the effect on the final arrival time. There are obviously alternative routes available, but often they don’t offer the require option (I will know where to avoid for traffic in an hours’ time, but the route planning doesn’t)

6. The quality and/or interpretation of the map data is quite poor. We live in a rural area, and its preferred routes include roads which I would only drive down as a last resort. I’ve now stopped it going down them with avoid areas, but it still refuses to choose sensible routes. In one particular case, it will prefer going an extra 4 miles, rather than going 800 yards down a road which is much more passable than some of its preferred roads.

I accept that country roads are a challenge for any mapping system, but in our area, the maps in NTG4.5 (and TomTom) produced much more sensible route guidance than NTG5.5 (with latest maps) Incidentally, Google maps selects the best way without any provocation.

7. There is no capability to add custom POIs in NTG5.5, so lists of favourite coffee chains, hotels, or safety camera locations can’t be added.

8. Traffic information is not complete on the screen. Travelling up the M5 towards Bristol, you can see the M4 going towards Reading, but the traffic information totally stops at Swindon. Change the map scale by one click to include the M25, and suddenly there is traffic information past Swindon after all. (2D north display mode). Looks a bit like the very widescreen display is not being fully updated with the traffic content above what a ‘normal’ width screen would show.

9. The voice synthesis is quite poor compared to NTG4.5. There are quite distinct gaps in the sentences, so you get things like “Turn right towards……Bristol”. As others have noticed, this version is not so polite, with many less ‘Pleases’!

10. Personalisation is new (I think) to 5.5, and I had high hopes for it. In theory, it allows you to store all your preferences in setup, so you could have ‘his and hers’, or maybe ‘town and county’ settings. Unfortunately, once again MB have failed to fully deliver this. You can create personalisations which swop between the dash layout (i.e. Speed and RPM separate, or combined – Classic/Progressive), but you can’t also save the other components of the display, such as having Navigation on the left, and consumption on the right. I don’t really understand why the dash layout is a Comand function and not in the dashboard menu anyway.

11. Moving the map display is no longer intuitive. On 4.5 if the full-screen map was displayed, moving the control wheel moved the map. On 5.5, up/down does nothing, left/right activates the menu, so to get a map pan, you need to click down, move right, click again, and then you can move the map. I’m sure there are more intuitive ways to implement this.

12. Limited ability to generate favourites. In theory, the favourites should remove some of the issues around the complexity of the Comand menus. Unfortunately, most things I try to make favourites (by holding down the favourites key for 5 seconds) report they can’t be added. I’ve tried internal lighting and personalisation as particular examples. Maybe I’m just doing it wrong.

It would be really nice to be able to send this sort of feedback to MB, but I can’t see how, and not sure they would take much notice anyway. I’m sure they have their designers and focus groups they believe in.

Just to provide some balance, it’s not all bad with Comand. The map display on the large display looks nice (but I think without as much road detail as 4.5) and being able to put it on the main instrument area is nice. Being able to select recent destinations from the main instrument area is convenient. POI searching is much improved with the web based search, although it can be painfully slow. I just wish MB had improved on NTG4.5 functionality, rather than seemingly starting again, and losing much of the existing functionality along the way.
Ah yes. Welcome to the disappointing world of the W213 Comand system.

I have a 2017 E220d Premium Plus, with Widescreen, and Driving Assistance. Like you, I think the car itself is great, but seriously let down by the Comand system. I agree with all the points you have mentioned above, and as you particularly asked for input on things you might be missing, I'll add a few that you might come across in the near future:

1. Direction commands sometimes slow, sometimes confusing: The navigation warns you that a turn is coming up, but it's not unusual to have actually made the turn before the voice tells you to do so. I've also found that when approaching a roundabout it might tell you to take the 5th exit (correctly), but just as you get on the roundabout it then says to take the 2nd or 3rd exit. It actually intends you to take the correct one (5th) but for some reason is now out of step.

2. Have you noticed yet how there aren't many 'right' or 'left' turns? The majority are 'slight right' or 'slight left'. It gets on my nerves after a while.

3. Despite the maps being the latest level there are still roads and roundabouts that are missing, even though they have been there over a year. Noticed this in the UK and France.

4. POI's missing and poor search: Recently tried to find a specific car park in Guidlford that's probably been there for at least 5 years. It wasn't on the map so I had to find it on Google Maps and then manually enter it in Comand. I've also searched for a POI by name and it couldn't find it, so had to zoom in the map (very painful as you say) and locate it that way (and yes, it was called exactly the same as I searched for).

5. Speed limits are often wrong on the map: Might not sound like too much of a problem, but there is a short stretch of the M25 around Dartford where it thinks the speed limit is 40mph. If you happen to be using the semi-autonomous driving mode, as soon as you get to this stretch it slows you down quite unexpectedly. Thankfully it hasn't caused an accident yet, but if you're in fast moving traffic with some impatient person up your a**s as often happens on the M25, it could get nasty.

6. Next turn notification: A minor thing really, but I do miss the little window in the corner of the screen that tells me how far to my next turn.

7. It does not know the roads: What I mean by this is that it will tell you to 'prepare to turn right' when the road simply goes round a bend. Sometimes it will correctly tell you to go straight ahead at the crossroads, and other times it will completely ignore the crossroads completely.

8. Interesting voice commands: There's a village in Essex called 'Little Bently' On the road signs it is 'Lt Bently'. Sat Nav pronounces it as 'Leftenant Bently'. And don't you just love the way it tells you to head towards "Newport, open brackets M4 close brackets" (the road sign says 'Newport (M4) )?

You might have guessed by now that it is my pet hate with the W213. Such a shame because, as you rightly say, it's a great car otherwise. Well, that is apart from the line of buttons to control the environment - you know the ones, they all look the same so you have to take your eyes off the road to decide which one you want to operate.

I previously had a W204 estate which had a Becker sat nav (not Comand) and, surprise surprise, it had most of the failings of this one (but at least I could add speed cameras to that). This (NTG5.5) is also powered by Becker and is an outdated sat nav in a modern car. I find it hard to understand how a company that builds such world-beating F1 cars can justify doing this. They need some real usability testing before finalising the design.

I did take the liberty of writing to the CEO of MB to let him know my views, however he hasn't given me the courtesy of a response yet. Does anyone form MB read these forum posts?

P.S. - Just got to pop out to the car again - Mercedes Me tells me that my windows are open yet again. With any luck the window fairy will have closed them by the time I get there, as she usually does.
Nick, ours was also very attention seeking when we first had her, often reporting being unlocked, or having windows open. Interestingly, the web app and iPhone app often gave different results. The car went into the dealership after a week as all the ‘assist’ systems gave up. All resolved after a change of controller, but I also reported the incorrect Mercedes Me reports, and asked for a firmware update. No idea if they did anything, but I have say it has not misreported since. Could be just coincidence, or maybe not.
Yes I have to agree. I've owned my w213 3 weeks now and I find comand 5.5 disappointing. Slow, unresponsive and just not slick enough for the prestige of the Mercedes badge, this is dispite resubscibing to all the online Mercedes Me apps, hardly worth it. Unfortunately the DVD based SatNav in a 10 year old Mondeo out performs it. Oh dear. If you are technically minded there are some hack sites that might be able to get you POI's from the SDcard slot if you fancy the challenge but they're in German. Good luck.
Bouncing this up a bit... should I be reading this as the Audio 20 option being better or more slick for early W213s? I'm looking at 2016/2017 cars and don't want to be disappointed. Is Audio 20 with the widescreen option actually better?

I'm most interested in CarPlay.
I've not used Audio 20, but my understanding is that Comand, poor as it is, is much better. Sorry, I've never used Carplay.
Is anyone can help with firmware ntg 5.5...
Every time when I go to dealer they destroy the car...I don't wanna go there... Heathrow... Slough.... service are disaster....
Some general thoughts on the older part of this thread. Audio-20 is slower than COMAND. Before 2008 on E class, the Audio-20 (NTG5*2) did not support CarPlay / Android Auto or the larger screen (and thus the digital cockpit was not supported either). We've done a lot of Audio-20 NTG5*2 -> COMAND NTG5.5 upgrades - you lose the speed limit display that Audio-20 does do. The way DAB works completely changes between NTG5*2 and NTG5.5 which requires some thought when retrofitting :)
Talk to [email protected] (forum sponsor) - M3 junction 3, 15 mins from Heathrow.
Thanks! I found guy at TM motors...he sorted out for 30min ...all done.. cheers!Last week I left 660£ at Mercedes Slough for nothing...to set up my water pump they need 2 weeks investigation... engine fan spine like crazy....for command set up they ask for another £500!!!
Avoid Slough and Heathrow Benz... just useless people....
Ah yes. Welcome to the disappointing world of the W213 Comand system.

I have a 2017 E220d Premium Plus, with Widescreen, and Driving Assistance. Like you, I think the car itself is great, but seriously let down by the Comand system. I agree with all the points you have mentioned above, and as you particularly asked for input on things you might be missing, I'll add a few that you might come across in the near future:

1. Direction commands sometimes slow, sometimes confusing: The navigation warns you that a turn is coming up, but it's not unusual to have actually made the turn before the voice tells you to do so. I've also found that when approaching a roundabout it might tell you to take the 5th exit (correctly), but just as you get on the roundabout it then says to take the 2nd or 3rd exit. It actually intends you to take the correct one (5th) but for some reason is now out of step.

2. Have you noticed yet how there aren't many 'right' or 'left' turns? The majority are 'slight right' or 'slight left'. It gets on my nerves after a while.

3. Despite the maps being the latest level there are still roads and roundabouts that are missing, even though they have been there over a year. Noticed this in the UK and France.

4. POI's missing and poor search: Recently tried to find a specific car park in Guidlford that's probably been there for at least 5 years. It wasn't on the map so I had to find it on Google Maps and then manually enter it in Comand. I've also searched for a POI by name and it couldn't find it, so had to zoom in the map (very painful as you say) and locate it that way (and yes, it was called exactly the same as I searched for).

5. Speed limits are often wrong on the map: Might not sound like too much of a problem, but there is a short stretch of the M25 around Dartford where it thinks the speed limit is 40mph. If you happen to be using the semi-autonomous driving mode, as soon as you get to this stretch it slows you down quite unexpectedly. Thankfully it hasn't caused an accident yet, but if you're in fast moving traffic with some impatient person up your a**s as often happens on the M25, it could get nasty.

6. Next turn notification: A minor thing really, but I do miss the little window in the corner of the screen that tells me how far to my next turn.

7. It does not know the roads: What I mean by this is that it will tell you to 'prepare to turn right' when the road simply goes round a bend. Sometimes it will correctly tell you to go straight ahead at the crossroads, and other times it will completely ignore the crossroads completely.

8. Interesting voice commands: There's a village in Essex called 'Little Bently' On the road signs it is 'Lt Bently'. Sat Nav pronounces it as 'Leftenant Bently'. And don't you just love the way it tells you to head towards "Newport, open brackets M4 close brackets" (the road sign says 'Newport (M4) )?

You might have guessed by now that it is my pet hate with the W213. Such a shame because, as you rightly say, it's a great car otherwise. Well, that is apart from the line of buttons to control the environment - you know the ones, they all look the same so you have to take your eyes off the road to decide which one you want to operate.

I previously had a W204 estate which had a Becker sat nav (not Comand) and, surprise surprise, it had most of the failings of this one (but at least I could add speed cameras to that). This (NTG5.5) is also powered by Becker and is an outdated sat nav in a modern car. I find it hard to understand how a company that builds such world-beating F1 cars can justify doing this. They need some real usability testing before finalising the design.

I did take the liberty of writing to the CEO of MB to let him know my views, however he hasn't given me the courtesy of a response yet. Does anyone form MB read these forum posts?

P.S. - Just got to pop out to the car again - Mercedes Me tells me that my windows are open yet again. With any luck the window fairy will have closed them by the time I get there, as she usually does.

Having had my W213 (2016 E220d Premium, with Widescreen, and Driving Assistance) for almost a month now, I thought I’d offer my thoughts on the NTG5.5 Comand system, compared to NTG4.5 in my W204 C250. There are so many areas where it seems a real step backwards, particularly in the navigation section. I’d welcome any input telling me what I may be missing.

Before that, just to note that I’m really happy with the car, the ride and noise levels are greatly improved on my C250, the Driving Assistance and remote access/tracking/geofencing add to a truly enjoyable experience.

Comand Issues

1. It‘s slow! The displays look really nice on the widescreen display, but there is a significant lag between any entry, and something happening on the display. In most cases, it is an annoyance, but with map zooming, I find it makes the touchpad totally useless. Doing a ‘pinch’ to make it zoom is not the simplest thing, then you have to wait for a second or so to see if anything happened. If you want to zoom two or three times, the whole process takes forever, and is very distracting. Fortunately, the rotary knob is there, so you can turn the knob two or three clicks to do a big zoom in or out easily. I pity those who (I believe) will lose the wheel in the W205 upgrade out soon.

2. Address entry is also really slow, it looks like it goes online for almost everything. Originally, I thought it didn’t do full postcode entry, as it took so long to come up on the screen. I guess it depends on how good the data connection to the servers is.

3. No destination address book! I really can’t believe this is missing. You can only get to places by either entering them from scratch, or from the recent destinations list. However, unless you set the destination from a POI, it appears in the recent list just by the address, you can’t name any entry (can’t create a ‘Joe’s house’ entry). You can stick a few named destinations in the Favourites tray, but there are only 20 favourites for everything, destinations and other functions).

4. I’ve failed to find any way of seeing traffic on route, as you could with NTG4.5. (NTG 4.5 provided a simple ‘traffic on route’ text display) The little display showing overall time in traffic in minutes is really nice, but I can’t see how to easily find out where the delays on my route are. You can obviously look on the screen for the yellow or red traffic bars (incidentally I find the yellow very difficult to see against the green, much preferred the more obvious little red and yellow cars!). You can go into map pan mode, then click to see traffic in the vicinity, but this just hops around the items shown on the current display. The detail on each of these is also poor, just a word or two.

5. Waypoints seem to have totally gone. You can now set an intermediate destination, but then the arrival time is only for the intermediate destination, not the final location. I liked to use waypoints as the way of forcing a specific route. As far as I can see, setting an intermediate destination is like setting it as the final location, then setting the real final destination afterwards. Much nicer with 4.5, where you could set a waypoint, and see the effect on the final arrival time. There are obviously alternative routes available, but often they don’t offer the require option (I will know where to avoid for traffic in an hours’ time, but the route planning doesn’t)

6. The quality and/or interpretation of the map data is quite poor. We live in a rural area, and its preferred routes include roads which I would only drive down as a last resort. I’ve now stopped it going down them with avoid areas, but it still refuses to choose sensible routes. In one particular case, it will prefer going an extra 4 miles, rather than going 800 yards down a road which is much more passable than some of its preferred roads.

I accept that country roads are a challenge for any mapping system, but in our area, the maps in NTG4.5 (and TomTom) produced much more sensible route guidance than NTG5.5 (with latest maps) Incidentally, Google maps selects the best way without any provocation.

7. There is no capability to add custom POIs in NTG5.5, so lists of favourite coffee chains, hotels, or safety camera locations can’t be added.

8. Traffic information is not complete on the screen. Travelling up the M5 towards Bristol, you can see the M4 going towards Reading, but the traffic information totally stops at Swindon. Change the map scale by one click to include the M25, and suddenly there is traffic information past Swindon after all. (2D north display mode). Looks a bit like the very widescreen display is not being fully updated with the traffic content above what a ‘normal’ width screen would show.

9. The voice synthesis is quite poor compared to NTG4.5. There are quite distinct gaps in the sentences, so you get things like “Turn right towards……Bristol”. As others have noticed, this version is not so polite, with many less ‘Pleases’!

10. Personalisation is new (I think) to 5.5, and I had high hopes for it. In theory, it allows you to store all your preferences in setup, so you could have ‘his and hers’, or maybe ‘town and county’ settings. Unfortunately, once again MB have failed to fully deliver this. You can create personalisations which swop between the dash layout (i.e. Speed and RPM separate, or combined – Classic/Progressive), but you can’t also save the other components of the display, such as having Navigation on the left, and consumption on the right. I don’t really understand why the dash layout is a Comand function and not in the dashboard menu anyway.

11. Moving the map display is no longer intuitive. On 4.5 if the full-screen map was displayed, moving the control wheel moved the map. On 5.5, up/down does nothing, left/right activates the menu, so to get a map pan, you need to click down, move right, click again, and then you can move the map. I’m sure there are more intuitive ways to implement this.

12. Limited ability to generate favourites. In theory, the favourites should remove some of the issues around the complexity of the Comand menus. Unfortunately, most things I try to make favourites (by holding down the favourites key for 5 seconds) report they can’t be added. I’ve tried internal lighting and personalisation as particular examples. Maybe I’m just doing it wrong.

It would be really nice to be able to send this sort of feedback to MB, but I can’t see how, and not sure they would take much notice anyway. I’m sure they have their designers and focus groups they believe in.

Just to provide some balance, it’s not all bad with Comand. The map display on the large display looks nice (but I think without as much road detail as 4.5) and being able to put it on the main instrument area is nice. Being able to select recent destinations from the main instrument area is convenient. POI searching is much improved with the web based search, although it can be painfully slow. I just wish MB had improved on NTG4.5 functionality, rather than seemingly starting again, and losing much of the existing functionality along the way.
Ah yes. Welcome to the disappointing world of the W213 Comand system.

I have a 2017 E220d Premium Plus, with Widescreen, and Driving Assistance. Like you, I think the car itself is great, but seriously let down by the Comand system. I agree with all the points you have mentioned above, and as you particularly asked for input on things you might be missing, I'll add a few that you might come across in the near future:

1. Direction commands sometimes slow, sometimes confusing: The navigation warns you that a turn is coming up, but it's not unusual to have actually made the turn before the voice tells you to do so. I've also found that when approaching a roundabout it might tell you to take the 5th exit (correctly), but just as you get on the roundabout it then says to take the 2nd or 3rd exit. It actually intends you to take the correct one (5th) but for some reason is now out of step.

2. Have you noticed yet how there aren't many 'right' or 'left' turns? The majority are 'slight right' or 'slight left'. It gets on my nerves after a while.

3. Despite the maps being the latest level there are still roads and roundabouts that are missing, even though they have been there over a year. Noticed this in the UK and France.

4. POI's missing and poor search: Recently tried to find a specific car park in Guidlford that's probably been there for at least 5 years. It wasn't on the map so I had to find it on Google Maps and then manually enter it in Comand. I've also searched for a POI by name and it couldn't find it, so had to zoom in the map (very painful as you say) and locate it that way (and yes, it was called exactly the same as I searched for).

5. Speed limits are often wrong on the map: Might not sound like too much of a problem, but there is a short stretch of the M25 around Dartford where it thinks the speed limit is 40mph. If you happen to be using the semi-autonomous driving mode, as soon as you get to this stretch it slows you down quite unexpectedly. Thankfully it hasn't caused an accident yet, but if you're in fast moving traffic with some impatient person up your a**s as often happens on the M25, it could get nasty.

6. Next turn notification: A minor thing really, but I do miss the little window in the corner of the screen that tells me how far to my next turn.

7. It does not know the roads: What I mean by this is that it will tell you to 'prepare to turn right' when the road simply goes round a bend. Sometimes it will correctly tell you to go straight ahead at the crossroads, and other times it will completely ignore the crossroads completely.

8. Interesting voice commands: There's a village in Essex called 'Little Bently' On the road signs it is 'Lt Bently'. Sat Nav pronounces it as 'Leftenant Bently'. And don't you just love the way it tells you to head towards "Newport, open brackets M4 close brackets" (the road sign says 'Newport (M4) )?

You might have guessed by now that it is my pet hate with the W213. Such a shame because, as you rightly say, it's a great car otherwise. Well, that is apart from the line of buttons to control the environment - you know the ones, they all look the same so you have to take your eyes off the road to decide which one you want to operate.

I previously had a W204 estate which had a Becker sat nav (not Comand) and, surprise surprise, it had most of the failings of this one (but at least I could add speed cameras to that). This (NTG5.5) is also powered by Becker and is an outdated sat nav in a modern car. I find it hard to understand how a company that builds such world-beating F1 cars can justify doing this. They need some real usability testing before finalising the design.

I did take the liberty of writing to the CEO of MB to let him know my views, however he hasn't given me the courtesy of a response yet. Does anyone form MB read these forum posts?

P.S. - Just got to pop out to the car again - Mercedes Me tells me that my windows are open yet again. With any luck the window fairy will have closed them by the time I get there, as she usually does.
Very good analysis. I agree. NTG5.5 is a terribly disapointing SATNAV on a great car, it would even be dissapointing on a Lada. The limit of 20 Favouirtes entries is ridiculous and the Previous Destination limit is around 60, and of course the oldest used entries drop off the list as you put new ones in. Entering new destinations is such a chore using the manual interface, at least there is the Mercedes Me app which allows you to send destinationsto the car via the Map, but if and when they arrive can be anyones guess.

There is one workaround that I have found that gets around the capacity limitations. That is to create a library of destinations in your contacts, particuarly useful if driving abroad when you can dump out all your UK based contacts and reload them with the destinations and waypoints you are traveling to. All you need to do is create a list of contact in a gmail account, export them to a .VCF file (used by Apple, Windows Outlook, People, or Windows Contacts), download them to a USB stick and import them into the car via USB1 into the Phone/ Contacts submmenu. The Contact directory in the car holds 3500 entries. You can create waypoints by using a naming/numbering conventions, special characters eg "( " come before the standard alphanumeric characters. The tricky bit is entering the correct address. NTG5.5 seems to always require a house number when you try to use a Contact Address as a destination, also choosing the correct language to specify the address in is also important. When going to Spain for instance the 3 mapping apps I use to find an address are Google Maps, Viamichelin, and the Mercedes Me App Map, they use Spainsh, Basque or Catalan to spell addresses but in and indistinct way. Its really trial and error and very time consuming to get it right, you would want to validate each address before you would want to rely on the fact that is correctly recognised by NTG5.5 when you were on the road. Oh and NTG5.5 doesn't like abbreviations for entries eg "Av." which in Spain can be Avenida or Avinguda. So really hard work, but you can build up libraries for different countries, store them on USB sticks and just delete all your old contacts and swap them over with a new set for the country you are going to. Once you set it up its easy to use, but I expect a lot of you will find it easier to dump the Merc and buy a BMW or Audi next time :)
Thanks Slapdash - useful info
By creating new contacts in Outlook then forwarding them as a group on an email to myself, I was able to transfer them as VCalender (.vcf) files onto a USB. Easy to import them once in the car from the telephone menu for contacts. As you state, be careful to check each one, as the address may not fully recognized but it will take you the locality.
Can you not just use waze for sat nav through android auto?
Is there a way I can delete my maps and reinstall using over the air update?

Many Thanks
Is there a way I can delete my maps and reinstall using over the air update?

Many Thanks

No, because the maps for COMAND 5.5 are around 50gb.

You can download the maps data for free from MB, then install it to the car using a USB drive.

If you are reapplying the same version, you won't be asked for a PIN code. But if you are trying to install a newer version of the maps than is currently installed, then you'll need a PIN code which you can purchase online. The PIN code will be unique to you car's VIN.

Hope this helps.

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