MB Enthusiast
<div class="bbWrapper">Driving past the Shell station in Ashburnham Road this afternoon, I heard a load thwack, followed by a light splattering of what felt like water and some excited whooping from the roadside. I looked around sharply and just caught a glimpse of some adolescents making off through the petrol station. <br />
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Still wasn't quite sure what had hit me, so to speak, so pulled in a little further up the road to take a look. No damage to the car, thankfully, just some water marks across the boot lid and nearside wing. I had wondered if they might have thrown paint at it in an attempt to relive last year's student riots, but evidently not.<br />
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On closer inspection, I found this lurking behind the driver's seat:<br />
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Don't know whether to be outraged at their delinquency or impressed with their aim. <br />
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Either way, just be careful if you're driving an open-top car past Shell Chelsea. You have been warned.</div>