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  1. D

    CarSoft Cable

    Hi Can anybody recommend what cable I should be looking for to connect to CarSoft 7.4 running on a PC. It's for a 2003 SLK running CAM Bus Technology. I can't find a UK supplier, only on in the States, approx $100 plus shipping. Should I be using a Serial Port Conenctor rather than USB if...
  2. C230kompressor

    Any one used carsoft v7.4s?

    can any one decode this for me??
  3. A

    Unable to clear fault codes with Carsoft

    Hi, I'm pretty new here and hoping someone can help me out. I have a SL320 2000 year which developed a misfire. I have managed to get hold of a genuine Carsoft Multiplexer and can read out all the fault codes for each module, read live data etc, but when it comes to clearing the codes I...
  4. skymastor

    Carsoft 7.4 Error Codes Info & Help

    Hi all, Merry Christmas to all in advance, and I hope you all have a good time over the festive period as I will ;) I was wondering if I could pick your brains for a while? Are there any Carsoft guru's out there? The story goes... I had a problem with my SRS light on my W203 (yr 2000)...
  5. P

    what do i need to connect a laptop via Carsoft v7.4 to diagnose

    Hello, I'm looking for a DIY home diagnostics now, how could i connect my laptop or PC or whatever computer to get codes readed from ODBII in my 1998 old diesel merc , and now i have CarSoft v7.4 but i don't know what kind of cable i need to coonect from 38pin socket to a laptop ? i have a rs232...
  6. J

    Carsoft 7.4

    Hi to all I hope someone can help with this one.I recently bought a multiplexer to help me with any problems which might occur with my W203 220 CDI. I loaded the software on my laptop,an IBM Thinkpad running Win2000.When I plug it into the car it starts to initialize and then tells me there is a...
  7. T

    Carsoft 7.4

    Would the carsoft software 7.4 and the relevant cables and multiplexor let you code all the options that the STAR system would let you do? I used to dabble with VW and Audi diagnostics and the aftermarket stuff there let you do pretty much the same as the OEM stuff did. So how does carsoft...
  8. vijilants

    Anyone ever suffered problems after using Carsoft readaptation ?

    Hi, I recently used the readaptation features of Carsoft on my W202 1999 C230k. When trying to start the engine after, the engine stated, but the throttle pedal did absolutely nothing and the engine idled in a very rough manner. Immediate thought was PANIC...IVE BLOWN THE ECU !!!!!!!! I...
  9. P

    Carsoft errors..

    Anyone know more about the error codes in Carsoft ? I get an error but no codes for the ABS and a whole list of errors for the Instrument Cluster but I have no clue as to what they are. My abs asr/bas lights are on..the brake switch did not cure the problem. Thanks for any help. Paul
  10. shah

    Cann't Find SRS Code in Carsoft

    Hello guys, Recently i bought the a code reader c/w software (crack) but the problem is i can not find SRS code in the sofwtware when i try to remove the SRS light. This is due to the mechanic change my expansion Valve for aircond and took off my steering. Or is there anyothere word or code...
  11. L

    Anyone for full Carsoft diagnostics?

    I've been waiting for this beauty from these Chinese guys for 6 months...now it's here. http://www.one-stop-factory.com/pdetail.jsp?productid=7659
  12. L

    Carsoft V 7.4.20

    Help? I am trying to reset my service interval on my 1998 sl500 (W129) and connecting this software through the 38PIN and it does a ME test diagnosis and reports OK then fails on all other - where am I going wrong?
  13. Bazzle

    Carsoft 7.4

    Has anyone used this on their pre obd11 MB. My 98 SLK R170 only has the 38pin on computer. No OBD11. I have been told its OBD1 and need Carsoft 7.4 to a PC or Laptop to see and reset codes? Link to similar here in Oz...
  14. W

    Carsoft 7.4

    Have any of you had any experience with the "Compatible" Carsoft interfaces that are on sale on several websites. They seem to retails around the £150 mark supplied with no software but as everyone knows the internet can get you anything you want or there's always ebay! Thanks in advance.
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