
  1. M

    Did we land on the moon? Ch5 Tonight 8pm

    As title tonight a documentary posing the question that has to be honest bugged me for years. I dont normally partake in conspiracy theories but I often wonder about the truth in this. Especailly with the advances in technology that we have now compared to the late 1960's. Hopefully tonight will...
  2. adam87

    Gadget show featuring car cleaning tech tonight at 8 on ch5

    Just saw this in my facebook news feed from Swissvax of all companys. Starts at 8pm and they do the 'Gadget Valet' with a few Hollyoaks babes ;) :bannana: Swissvax apparantly supplied them with a few products but they don't know if they'll feature or not, guess you'll have to watch to find out...
  3. R

    CH5 Cowboy Builders, the "freebies"

    Anyone ever watched this show on channel 5 and thought about how local shops can afford to give away so much stuff? Sure it is great to see charity is still alive in society. But sometimes its so generous I wonder if this recession really exists, like furniture shops giving away sofas, beds...

    Britains Greatest Machines - CH5

    Another top TV recomendation from me :D. Here
  5. W

    A Fistful of Dollars - now on Ch.5

    Doubt I'll ever tire of watching it :)
  6. Steve_Perry

    5th Gear now on, Ch5.

    It's now an hour long! :rock: Show starting with an Aston :devil: S.
  7. KillerHERTZ

    C43 AMG - Romeo must die (ch5)

    Just incase you havent ever seen it before, there is a cool chase in Romeo must die with a C43 AMG w202 in sliver. Its on ch5 now
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