Back when they were designed tested and built the analogue way. Rather than just designed by an algorithm on a computer then built and sent out to the public for us to find out the design faults and have them gradually fixed through the cars lifetime...
I recently had to change a faulty SRS module on 2006 CLK. The old module died.
I have now fitted a second hand module. It is still showing an error but at least the other functions controlled by the module now work.
As I understand, the error is a result of the module not being...
Hi everyone, I am looking for owner with a W212 E63 who would like a performance exhaust at a discounted rate. Cobra sport exhausts are based in sheffield, South Yorkshire. They are a specialist exhaust manufacturer who are developing a system for the W212 E63 and need a car to test fit a system...
Hi guys,
We are currently working on a very special piece of kit for the 63AMG Bi turbo engines...we are looking for a car to measure.
We have the operation side proven, but require a Bi turbo car for a couple of days measuring and reference....( NO MODIFICATIONS WILL BE MADE) we just need to...
I'm wondering about the development of this engine, maybe a bit sad but I like to learn.
I know that this engine was put into the E Class facelift from 2006 but where did it come from, i.e. a develpoment from the 90's or was it brand new? Also is this engine the exact same as in a...
Totally off topic, but while at lunch I was chatting ot a colleague, and it would appear that the greatest vapourware of all time may actually be released this june!
That's hours of my childhood wasted in front of urinal, or squishing friends in multiplayer mode after shrinking...
Mercedes-Benz 350 SL R107 development 1972 photo A8120 on eBay (end time 22-Aug-10 13:33:43 BST)
Interesting development photo of the R107 prototype.
Note the "meet in the middle" wipers.
Quite nice video at 480p on the development of the w126 SEC coupes. Alas in German of course. :( Can't remember if I have posted this before or not.:o
Initial phase of Omnivore development achieves 10% improvement in fuel consumption compared to stratified direct injection engines, also with ultra low emissions. The research signals a potential paradigm shift with engine ‘upsizing’ for increased fuel economy.
Omnivore Summary
The Omnivore...
Is this the way to go?
The comment that police dont respond resulting in what amounts to criminal damage and vigilantism (sp?), and no doubt innocent motorists having their cars damaged (cars driving into the...
You might find these 4 Mercedes-Benz podcasts below interesting.
Its shows the W204 in development and manufacture. Very dramatic and well produced - as you would expect........
Watch them in order to see the full story.....................
I had a good day out at the Warwickshire based Prodrive proving ground yesterday.
Accompanied by Sym, I spent the day under tuition, on a circuit, tight handling course and a skid surface emulating black ice.
If anyone is interested and I can recommend it have a look at
me and a couple of friends are trying to set up a web discussion forum (not car based). I have purchased a domain name and webhosting from and bought and downloaded a copy of vbulletin forum software. Following the instructions with the forum software I have managed to upload...