Joined the MBC thingy as promised 'technical info' and 'epc / wis' access, plus 'active forum' etc etc
well - all the 'docs' on the 202 (and W140) page(s) are old photocopies of magazine articles bar one whinge. The forum is 'dead'. The WIS access requires a completely separate access to the...
I Parked the car for 2 weeks in a hotel while on a cruise and now its ant infested.
any ideas to a cure ?
I have used fly spray all over with caution.
With all the recent rain, I've come to notice that my tyres are AWFUL in wet conditions. I have nearly lost the back end twice now, while following much lesser cars through long sweeping bends on A-roads. The rears also spin up REALLY easily when pulling off at the lights, even under moderate...
Me again,
I've messed up. I just registered a domain name for someone and spelt the damn name wrongly but only after it went through. Can I do a dns amend on the name or something. I bought it for him for 54 years as well so it's gonna cost me if I can't. I used 'le' instead of 'la' in a...
Driving up to Warwick to meet someone. Plodding along, doing erm .... errr ..... 70ish
Quick glance in the rear view mirror and I could see a faint cloud of blue smoke.
FCEK. Pulled over to slow lane - no blue smoke. Drove about 5 miles - all OK. oil pressure ok, temperature guage does...