A while back I bought a Sony Vaio desktop (the one with all the gubbins in the monitor case) and generally I'm happy with the performance.
When I shut it down it hangs for several minutes with "waiting for background programmes to close - force shut-down yes / no"
Any ideas what could be...
I have about 20 maybe more from the league and all cups mainly last season im not sure what I just have piles around the place and if anyone wants them they can collect (I`d like them to go to a good home not to be used as loo paper by mancs :crazy: )
They are in good nick, some have team...
Does anyone know of any good Home Finance Programmes
I want it to be able to download bank statement, credit card statements, update unit prices on OEICS and share prices so I can see day to day positions. Also want to be able to run forecasts etc.
I think Microsoft Money and Quicken were...
Just a quickie guys (and girls )
How do you get to the menu where you can choose what programmes you want to start running when you turn the computer on ?
Many thanks
Sparkyspost about Jeremy Clarkson highlighted a habit I'm using more and more.
I watch TV programmes in FF.
This saves a great deal of time 7 saves me from having to listen to endless tedious waffle and watching things I'm not interested in, such as last night's Top Gear with the...