PROPOSALS to get rid of paper tax discs from October 1 this year will carry a sting in the tail for everyone buying a used vehicle after that date: they will have to tax it immediately instead of being able to take on the vehicle’s existing unexpired tax.
While ostensibly a move to stop...
Interesting new proposal for insurance.
You will no longer be able to drive a car which is uninsured - even if you are driving it on your own insurance. Proposals are to link insurance to V5C documents and reminders to uninsured cars in the post. Then fines aka RFL.
Makes it easier for the...
I sense a collective tightening of sphincters in the boardrooms of Daimler -Chrysler, BMW, VAG, JAGUAR, etc with this announcement.
here's your choice of cars under the 120g/km CO2 at present on the market. the limit for the average car...