
  1. 219

    Delhi gang rape: Four sentenced to death

    Could/should this ever happen here ? BBC News - Delhi gang rape: Four sentenced to death Discuss.
  2. M

    Third party, fire and... rape?

    Read more here: BBC News - Sex attack victims sue cabbie John Worboys and his insurers
  3. glojo

    Man charged with murder and rape

    I am a passionate objector to the death penalty, but I am sickened by the behaviour of a human being that has just been charged with the rape and murder of a two year old baby. I fear we will all voice out contempt, but why, why? why has this person done this? I feel so upset for that poor...
  4. B

    W202 headlight "rape" lights

    To my understanding and I seem them before, the fog lights at night should come on when I close or lock the door on my 99 W202 c230k at night? They are not doing this and I heard it has to be set somehow.....how do I do it?
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